Stop buying junk

Continuing the discussion from Anker Customer Experiences:

We have stopped buying junk. You get what you pay for. I am so, so tired of getting ripped off from Amazon and Wish/Geek junk from China I could scream.

I have one (of now three) power supplys from Anker - I dropped it, it was my fault. I broke the USB connection. Anker did not even ask when I bought it, and sent me a new one. Period. So why do anything else?


@Scott_Shuppert First off, Welcome to the Anker side :stuck_out_tongue: LOL. I totally agree with you about buying junk, just to save a couple of bucks… only to spend even more bucks replacing them. Anker all the way. :slight_smile:

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Agreed - can’t beat a quality product that also comes with industry leading customer service!

Agree 100%! We noticed our smartphones were getting to hot while charging on some of those cheap chargers and slow cheap cables. It got to the point we thought our old iphone 5’s battery was going bad. We couldn’t get a full charge the phone was hot to the touch. Switched out charging block and started using the hub during the day. Now the phone charges fully in half the time the apple charger does and it stays cool! Now we don’t have to replace the phone or battery and can use it for a back for a little longer.

Agreed its Anker or nothing. Anker even beats some of the crap manufacturers are sending out now a days with their equally “junky” products. :grin: