Social Media Share Here

Hey all :wave:t2:
From the promotions, offers and competitions sharing reviews etc on social media some are starting to find and follow others.

If you want, share your social media accounts below.




Good topic :slight_smile: @paulstevenewing

Here are my Twitter and Instagram handles

Twitter: csshenoy

Instagram: csshenoy

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Thanks @Shenoy :+1:t2:I was already following you on twitter and have just checked out your Instagram.


If only all members in this Community started cross following others, would have been great!

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Will be interesting to see if this one takes off, was tried previously with YouTube channels (with a few Twitter and Facebooks thrown in)…


Well let see how many share details here.
This is a great community and not as strict as others when it comes to “off topic” chat but cross sharing social media is a nice touch to catch up and get to know people in their daily lives.

I had considered starting a post to share bio info, a photo, real name and a bit of info about yourself but don’t get the feeling people would participate.

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Twitter. That’s all I’m on right now…

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Yo y’all need to follow me on insta…

Mine is


I’ve started following you on insta now @paulstevenewing

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Just clicked follow :+1:t2:

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I am now following you (do follow-back :smiley: )

yeh i’ve started following you

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Following you all on Twitter…here is mine :+1:

Hope will not endup connecting on LinkedIN :rofl:


ha ha… good one :rofl:

Can’t scan your code @Alejandro_Rubalcaba
Don’t worry, I was scanning it on Twitter :man_facepalming:t2:

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My Twitter and Instagram:

Twitter: ThanujF

Instagram: ThanujF

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Hey @Thanuj_Fernando followed, thanks for sharing your details.

No obligation to follow but here are my channels

I’ve spent a fortune this year on house repairs, and this month’s wages have gone on car issues which are still not resolved so feeling rather poor for Xmas so am on a mission to win stuff for Xmas for my kids so my feeds are full of me entering giveaways at the moment (in between working/housework/Xmas planning) - so if you don’t wanna follow no worries. xx


Hey @star100x
Sorry to hear about your car issues, there is never a good time to have car problems, but this is definitely the worst.
Followed, both.

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