PowerDraw Winner Anouncement (Weekly updates)

Plus a couple times they’ve used the wrong image, but if they hyperlink it, there’s no confusion

Hey @AnkerOfficial

Have you stopped doing the auctions? As halfway through March now, and still none for almost 4 months.

Thete wad an Auction just two weeks ago with a crazy number of bidding going on. I think someone said it broke the record for most Power Bucks offered.

I won the last auction, it was for the battery bank just a few weeks ago


I don’t remember seeing one. Last one I remember was around November time.

I’ll take ya word for it, but seriously can’t remember it.

@MacBlank It was This one


Seems @MacBlank was in hibernation :grin:

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Bristol. They’re a bit slow there :slight_smile:

but could be worse… Cornwall


It’s a good idea! I will talk to the technicians and see when we can improve it.:innocent:


I’m actually from God own cider county, Somerset.

There is no such thing as tomorrow, it’s next week some time, hopefully!

Bristol, I think is too much in a rush.

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Interesting to see what’s coming in next weeks (?!) auction :gift:

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Ooooo an auction next week… Let’s hope it’s something nice!

Just had a thought…:stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye::scream:

You know on the power user page, it lists items you’ve had, well how about that on our profile page… Activity, summary etc… Wins/giveaways (or something) a list of products we’ve won/been given etc… With dates?

As I’m sure I’m not alone in sometimes forgetting what I’ve won n when etc … Maybe a fiftieth birthday present… Cough cough July 4th hahahaha

This way, when I (or anyone) says… I ain’t won nothing for yonks (ages) we can see. It doesn’t need to be open for others to snipe at… you’ve won shit loads etc, so just a private list… Between the person n you.

Also, sometimes I forget what model I have… Wouldn’t want to repeat myself.

Great idea. My b’day is today March 16.
Let’s get that b’day present :gift:
@AnkerOfficial I’m not kidding about my b’day today (see below) :wink:

It says in the “rules” about a birthday present‽
Obviously it’s at ankers discretion… I hate that word tho.

They snuck it in in work in regards to sick pay. Cos they did t remove sick pay, I couldn’t do anything about it… But I never got paid it… GGGRRR

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It won’t let me add my birthday how did you do that?

Well Happy Birthday Sachin! And if @AnkerOfficial decides to send you a present, I’m gonna be slightly salty because my birthday just went in February :joy:

Oh and just to be clear, I wasn’t expecting a gift. Maybe an automated message would be nice :wink:

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Happy birthday!!!

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Thanks Shivam and Yes that is the intent. An automated message is great for upliftment :smile:


Thanks @ktkundy
B’day is there since I made my account a few years ago. If its not a required field you may have skipped it. Just let @AnkerOfficial know and they can add it.


Thought you from Wales?