Level 4 club party

I did it fam, I hit level 4. Shout out to other lvl 4+ with too much time on their hands


Congratulations! How did you get that? Do you mind sharing your experience with us?:grin:

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Congrats keep up your posts and community activity to help increase further :thumbsup:


Good on you.

I still don’t know how to get to level 10.

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I’m barely getting close to 4000.


I’m on Lvl 8 and I could care less, lol! If only there were benefits to it.


Maybe the level changes every 2000 points :confused:, got you beat on bucks but trailing you on the points…

So the bucks can be different from someone who has the same level as you? Interesting. Wonder what causes the bucks number to go up.

Just got to level seven. Wonder what new powers I have unlocked

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The jet pack at level 8 is awesome

The invisibility cloak at level 9 is useful too.

I’m looking forward to what is in Level 10. I hope its an infinite wallet or a time machine.

Level 10 is a crate full of “lost” in transit Anker items. May the best man win.

Maybe level 10 you get to face Lord Voltemort and his half brother Darth Vader who is married to Ella Vader.

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Apparently when you to get Level 42 you get your own pop band

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Power Banks shaped like animals and the tail would be the cords. Solar panels shaped like a leaf on a plant( mini version of cell towers). Level 42 seems familiar with The Hichhickers Guide to the Galaxy. Strange ship shapes

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My phone was at 42% before I plugged it in. I wonder if anyone else evolved when they reached the next level. Still not sure how many points are at what level. Being at level 7 with 4000 ponts.

To get to level 10, you still need to gain more points.:grin:

I got to earn more points, really?

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Try to get 6000 points to upgrade your level!:grin:

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Does this mean going back to the 80’s and turning into a super human?

They caught me on camera when I got to level 8