Error: Phone is not connected to the internet

I also had an assumption that our data is not shared and we can always have an access to our recordings no matter of any internet issues.

It sounds like a false advertisement statement from Eufy side. I would rather return my set of 3 outdoor cameras. The system is not reliable, and not independent of any servers.


Looks like it’s back up, for now at least. Appears all of today’s recordings are there, so they are still recorded to the local storage, even if the server goes down. But why do we need the Eufy server to access the videos? What do they have access to? If it was just to check for firmware updates, ok. But to see my locally recorded videos makes no sense.


My worry is not just the server is down on June 12, it makes me doubt the safety of this entire system… Like Waughy said, why do we need the Eufy server to access the videos? What do they have access to? Yes, Probably our privacy :frowning:
How do I know the homebase does NOT transfer my privacy to Eufy servers?


Hi all, little update. The posts above are correct, they have shut servers down due to maintenance. I asked why users are not alerted to a planned update that would render the cameras near useless, to which they said they’d “make sure we will in future…” I also pay for subscription service on top of everything (burglars can steal Homebases) and have asked for all my fees to be reimbursed and to have some future months free of charge, I suggest you all do the same to put the pressure on them. I’m sure we all understand maintenance has to take place (still don’t understand why local storage and playback relies on this,) but other service providers can let you know in advance. Anyway, have a great day all!


Yup. Same problem here.


Could it be that Eufy’s claim about Military Grade Encryption, “Encrypted data and footage can only be accessed by logging into the account.”, is the reason our recorded videos were not available to us while the servers were not available? As long as the video content stays local then we can move on to the issue of having all users notified of planned and even unplanned outages.

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I’m sceptical a no monthly fee service, with cloud, and 24x7 would be a long term viable business. Logically you’d expect either fees get introduced, or it folds. Who exactly pays for support?

Depends where and how they decrypt. In the “Defense in Depth” concept you’d have the central copy encrypted at the device before copy, you’d then store the private key in the app with a copy stored shared-nothing in the OS’s backup. If all they are doing is encrypted in-flight, but not at-rest, then there is a huge risk of a data breach. Big fat “it depends”. I’d not jump to any conclusions, would require an independent audit from a company who sign a confidentiality agree and for you to see a summary of the audit. That’s the only way I know of to know anything is reasonably secure.

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They offer a cloud subscription as well for a fee if you don’t want to just have local storage. Figured if I’m giving them $10 or so a month for this and I’ve had quite a few issues, they owe some back, viable business model or not.

We must be referring to different products therefore. Some products have no cloud copy, some do, I was assuming the latter.

All good, I use the 2C cams which offer this as an extra.

I received an email response this morning:
We extend our sincere apologies for all the inconvenience caused. We were upgrading the server, and some users may not be able to access the eufy App normally during this time. The issue should have been resolved now. Could you please try it again later to see if anything different?

My response:
Your explanation was Not acceptable!

  1. I spent hours trying to troubleshoot to figure out why it wasn’t working. A simple “advance notification” that you were upgrading your server either by email to registered users or a notification alert in the app itself should have been sent out!
  2. I was mislead when I purchased the Eufy HDR AND 2K Wired Video Doorbell a week or two ago, reading the advertised literature. I was lead to believe all my info was sent directly to my local storage (and NO server was even involved.)
  3. I lost my supposedly stored videos from yesterday when this started to happened. They never came back. Although it does appear to be working with fresh videos being stored this morning.
  4. What kind of security cameras, devices does Eufy make, if we can’t depend on the storage of our videos? What if it was an emergency where I needed to show police a stored video?
  5. Phone lines were down to even reach anybody to address the situation in a timely fashion! At the very, very least, the phone lines should have been open to save customers the time and effort to try to resolve on their own.

Thanks for sharing.

I’m not disagreeing, not being argumentative, but just informing technically.

There is a form of local-only storage which requires a server for network reasons. The domestic LAN device is opening a port to a WAN server and you access that same WAN server to then connect back to the LAN device. This is to bypass your router’s firewall and overcome NAT.

Eufy’s alternative approach would be to make the device uPNP and open up a firewall port and then cache the WAN IP on your device. That would make you more vulnerable to anyone who knew your IP and knew you had this device. To secure this arrangement would involve hardware encryption at the device, typically battery operated, at a battery life cost.

It’s a similar issue with SIP VOIP Proxy.

Not making an argument pro / con , just educating.

Now the true issue is there is nil inherent reason for Eufy to cause an outage of this magnitude. Yes you do need to have outages. Yes you do need to impact users, but you do not need to impact for a long period (above about a minute) and you do not need to impact more than a small fraction of users.

A software upgrade can be done via DNS “round robin” where a small fraction of users are directed to a new software version, you test stability, and after a while you upgrade. This is often called “canary” CI/CD. You can do it at any level, web, app, DB.

There is no need for an outage either. You can route all traffic to alternative region, then upgrade your primary region, test (see above) then route back. You’d impact performance during this and some users would experience a short ( order of 1 minute) unreliability during the switch.

For this scale of outage, takes either a particularly inexperienced person, or a focus on cost avoidance, as each of the above outage-avoidance comes at a cost. A small fraction of users, for a brief time, having an issue is a sign of testing done with minimum impact.


Is it just me? Today is June 15th, their server seems down again!

I am also having this issue, along with not being able to switch my cameras from home to disable motions. The frustrating part is I factory reset all my devices thinking that was the issue.

Thanks for the post, earlier I thought it was just me, cuz no one else posted, so surreal, lol

It’s not fair when Eufy update their server on the inconvenience of customers’ side.

Why can’t they get an extra server as backup, or at least let us know when the server is down?

It happened on June 12, now again, just after 3 days? I really can’t believe it.

The point is, why do we need the Eufy server to access the videos?

If your on your own home network wi-fi you shouldnt need to request to their servers. I hope they change this in the future cause it’s very frusterating. If you put everything over to homekit secure video, it all works flawless.

Same here. It started about an hour ago and says phone not connected to internet. At least I’d like to see proper error message. I haven’t faced any issues with my other 5 Cam 2s but started this after adding 2 new Pan & Tilt cameras. This new set supports cloud storage, not sure if that has to do anything as I’ve never encountered this/similar issue in the past 4+ months.

I get error code failed to request (500 or 504) It’s defiently on Eufy’s end. I just wish they wouldnt leave us in the dark. I know they’re rolling out Homekit secure video cloud service, maybe this is what’s causing server issues?

installed wired doorbell about 2 weeks ago 1st week it worked great, so I ordered the 3 Eufycam 2C set. The last week I’m getting the Phone is not connected to the internet, received cameras today and can’t get homebase connected. I’m returning the 3 cameras and the doorbell Thanks EUFY