Your favourite photos

My doberman ate better than I did :joy: I’m lucky to have a family member that has a butcher shop so she ate steak almost knightly with the occasional filet mignon had tons of Bones and a pile of stuffed animals to rival any childs collection.


The Queen of all she surveys…:slight_smile:

I would highly recommend getting the insurance. I really didn’t think I needed it as it was pretty much crap when I got her, but in her last two years I spent at least $1K a month on vet bills. The insurance is a lot better now and my new guy (rehome Golden Retriever) is going to have veterinary insurance.

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Lol, if you only knew.

I agree she was a fawn which is a mutation “my little mutant” and always had skin problems. Bills added up quickly but I have a family friend who is a veterinarian/surgeon so it wasn’t too bad. I can’t think of anything better to spend my money on. Doggie Insurance definitely would have helped though. Next time.


Wow! Just awesome and I really like these colorful shots, thanks.

awesome fast moderator edit, beat me to it, didn’t notice, but their link is in their older posts.

Quite the old thread lol