Willy the old robot

Mine is Mary. @Ice1 is Duchess.
Too many Robovac, itโ€™s getting confusing :smiley:

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Awesome right-up @Chiquinho

Willy is indeed a loyal hardworking fella!

Our Astroboy does his share (majority actually) of cleaning and has given us extra time for other important things in life. Ever so thankful to Astroboy ( Eufy Robovac 25c)

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Look after your Willy and your Willy will look after you :tongue:

Edit: I can see your Willy is well looked after, serviced and maintained :yum:


Glad I went for robotic name for my Eufy Robovac 25cโ€ฆ The Astroboy :sweat_smile:


I think Willy is always clean as well.

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