What search engine to do you use?

Google always :heart_eyes::sunglasses:

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Hmmmm, I have been using duckduckgo for two days now and it does absolutely nothing for me here at work. Employer has a SIEM that can track my historyā€¦ Went back to Chrome w/honey add-on

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Ok the follow up question is for those of you that do use chrome and google what add one do you use. Honey was already mentioned but I wondered if there are other good useful ones out there

Just signed up for and started using Bing :sunglasses: thanks man

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Good luck dude! I checked my redemption history and saw a ton of unnecessary and stupid ā€œexpensesā€. Basically spent most of my points in those lucky draw thingy. Now that I have more knowledge, Iā€™ll actually save up points and get a gift card :sweat_smile:


How many points do you currently have? If you donā€™t mind me asking

I think I have about 500. Let me check and be back

Edit: Just checked and Iā€™m way over 500 lol. Iā€™m at 849 currently and my lifetime points are at 4,049

I literally signed up a couple of hours ago. Where you able to find the Amazon gift cards? I didnā€™t see them

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Nevermind. I didnā€™t read the question carefully :joy:. I just read ā€œWhereā€ and thought you were asking where to find those gift cards. But to answer your question, no I was not able to find the Amazon gift card. I reached level 2 today and nothing changed expect for the max amount of points I get each day

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Lol sucks they donā€™t have Amazon gift cards anymore

Iā€™m hoping they get it back before I end up redeeming points on other gift cards. I would use Amazon gift cards better than any other (like most of us here lol)

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I know me too. If they donā€™t return, Iā€™ll probably stop using Bing, since I donā€™t need any Microsoft or Xbox live gift cards

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The amazon gift cards are still there I just checked if you click redeem and then click shop and scroll down a little they have $5 amazon gift cards and you can even set them as your goal

Weird I still donā€™t see it. If you donā€™t mind me asking, may I know where you are? I think it might be based on location since Iā€™m in GA and @ikari04warrior is from NC (if I remember correctly)

Iā€™m from New York

Now thatā€™s really weird. It would be understandable if they locked it for west coast or something

Yeah itā€™s strange but I clearly see it as one. I went to dashboard clicked redeem then in categories clicked shop and scrolled down and there it was right next to Starbucks and amc

I have a hulu gift card instead :confused:

You can reach out to the Microsoft Bing Support and enquire about the redemption option that Amazon cards are not availableā€¦ They usually get back to you with the reason

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Iā€™ll try that since updating the state and zip didnā€™t solve that issue either