It’s really been a blessing having our dogs with us everyday during lockdown. Friends who don’t tire of us who are always ready to play and make us smile.
These friends at home do have boundary issues and never understand what it means when the light next to the webcam turns on…
Sam & Echo are each great motion detectors and keep us up to date on all traffic in front of the house, often prompting a quick ad-lib when a bark detected. “Yes, that’s an excellent color choice!” or “I absolutely agree.” That works fine most days.
I had forgotten to charge my bluetooth headset and was cautiously working with a desktop microphone and speakers. As the UPS driver pulled up across the street breaks squeeking Sam let out a single bark to challenge the intruder. Suddenly my client’s otherwise silent and invisible dog had to respond to defend his reputation as brave protector. Our girl Echo jumped in as backup to her tiny brother and the competition was on! After a couple back and forth volleys of bark bark bark I found my microphone and speaker mute buttons, calmed my friends and reactivated all my audio to find silence.
“Who won that round?”, I asked. Happily everyone laughed as my client’s told everyone that their dog doesn’t like the Amazon driver either since he never brings enough treats.