What did you do on the first day of 2020?

My first day was to have a detailed and thorough cleaning of the house thanks to The Duchess #LifeWithRoboVac for giving me a helping hand and finish things little early to have some extra relaxing time end of the day.

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Kinda was a lazy day. Got son to take a nap then met up with father in law and had lunch. Other then that was siting around the house.

thats nice to know about the fireworks, I took our entire family to Fireworks at San Francisco on New year’s eve and we reached home almost at 4am, too large a crowd in SF :slight_smile:


We spent the day celebrating my daughter’s 12th birthday! :tada:

She actually stayed up until midnight the night before to see her birthday in along with the New Year - the first time she’s managed to stay awake that long! So we started the day with presents then a nice family lunch with birthday cake! :birthday:

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We took our kids roller skating for the first time. My 3 year old son, once he got a skate trainer device to hold on to, he took off and blazed around. My 6 year old daughter on the other hand wasn’t as effective, but she still had fun. Another few times and she will be fine. But it was nice to get out and do something fun with the kids.

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My Bday was Dec 17th and I was sick as well, agreed that 2019 was a mess for me personally so bring it on 2020!

Spring cleaning and sleeping in, not necessarily in that order.

And sampling peppermint and lemon ginger teas


My first day of 2020 was great! Played outside in the snow with my daughter and two Flares!

Next, when she was napping I hit the gym in my basement for some cardio and free weights!

Started Keto in January of last year, down 100 lbs but stalled the past two months. Looking ready to hit the ground running!!! Literally! :joy: Big shout out to @AnkerOfficial in the Win Fitness Kits for 2 | Share and Win contest.

I credit a lot of it to my Spirit X headphones, Fitbit and Hydroflask water bottle!


Woohoo! I’ve never know anyone with the same birthday as myself. Thanks for the birthday wishes. Happy New Year to you :slight_smile:

Here’s to tackling 2020. :slight_smile: Happy Belated Birthday :slight_smile:

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Woke up late, had a huuuuuge brunch, went picked up kids, played some call of duty and watched a couple of films. That’s pretty much it in a nutshell lol

The brunch literally was all I ate all day - joys of an Ulster fry :tongue:

New Call of Duty MW?

Thinking about picking it up for XB1, but don’t play games much anymore.

Happy late birthday! Hope this year is much better for you :crossed_fingers:

Wow great job!! 100 lbs lost is not easy at all

Yeah the new CoD. I prefer the boots on the ground style games and this ticks all the boxes. The fact it’s now cross compatible means it’s more fun as can play with friends on any console.

Happy New Year everyone :slight_smile:

My apartment was painted and I used my Eufy RoboVAC 30C to clean my floors. Mopped and than put up my newly acquired photography studio kit:

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Relaxed with wife, kids and other family.

I had a very productive day.

I slept in, watched movies all day and into the early hours of the next day. O yeah I went outside for like 20 minutes and worked on my broken tractor, I didn’t have the right tool for the job, so I went back in a watched more movies.

It was my day off

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I have to say, I like the jpg that was used for this thread. If this was created by Anker, I think they did a great job.

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I went… shopping!! :sweat_smile: Bought stuff for my car, hopefully this year I can be more clean and organized :joy::joy:

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