Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Current weekend activity, a touch of gardening (removing a tree stump)…oh and killing spam threads :laughing:


Good luck with the spam threads. Looks never ending right now.

Ooh… do you have a phone number for those? I can’t find a number anywhere… :rofl:

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Really you do shopping with your wife?
I can’t .
Usually she goes shopping alone.

But in vacations I have to go with here.
I have a list and I am ready in a certain time.
Of course she is not ready, finding so many other interesting things.
But those supermarkets in Portugal have always a bar integrated.
So I can wait very patiently! :rofl:

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Good luck Neil,
Killing spam should me more work than that stump.
If its removed its gone.
Not those spams!

I only go if I have too.
Like you, I will find a pub or cafe and Charlie and I will have a drink.
If it’s clothes shopping I will sometimes go in the store because the “scenery” can often be good :wink:

I go shopping twice a year, Debs goes at least every weekend! :man_facepalming:t2:

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You don’t have time for phone calls today…
I’ll order double :rofl:
How do you combat all these spam posts @TechnicallyWell & @ndalby ?
Do you block the user or do you have to deal with every post?
Whoever they are, they are very persistent!
Can’t wait for the forum to get back to normal, I fear a lot of new members who have posted for help are getting lost in the barrage of spam.

Lol those damn threads. They’ve been flooding the forum the last couple of days

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I don’t need to order any more Viagra as I got a lot coming already I have to store for my new friend a Namibian prince, he’s going to send me $1M later for my trouble. It’s been a while since I gave them my creditcard number, I saw the $1K debit but no sign of the goods yet. Sweet. :innocent:

The forum I run allows new members but their first post is moderated. Not ideal but a little bit of a barrier higher than the none this forum has.

I suggest they block by I.P. address too many posts automatically…

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We can take refuge in here :rofl:


The Prince is sending you $1M too!
I think he does the transfers near the end of each month as I haven’t had mine either :rofl:

Moderating the first post is a good idea.

I’m getting worried he’ll get angry his Viagra hasn’t turned up yet, he’s visiting with his $1M cash for me next week, I’m beginning to wonder if I should buy $1K quick paying $1K extra for fast delivery, to keep him happy?

Obviously these well intended people quoting phone numbers are genuinely nice people trying to help everyone so we should let anyone join, lots of new members from the same I.P. added quick and many new threads from the same I.P. and address, 1800 of them is a real person, just typing fast, at the same time, we don’t want to limit their generosity. :unamused:

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Indeed, we don’t want to put them off visiting again :thinking:


Hahah, that great @TechMan :+1:t2::rofl::+1:t2:

Makes you wonder what they get out of these spam fests…think @AnkerOfficial may have to consider some changes to posting numbers (maybe max 10-15 new topics per day depending on level) or tweaked mod perms to allow temp account bans…


@Monk3e mentioned something similar in another post.
I’ll let him elaborate, if he sees this tag amongst the barrage of spam :tired_face:

Or maybe allow new accounts to post only 1 thread until they reach level 1

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Dare I say it, maybe in situations like this, remove the ability for anyone to make a new post or pull the plug on the forum completely?
Would the hackers get a no response back from Ankers IP/domain server if the forum was taken offline?

I popped a post here with a few suggestions that would not be too hard to code.

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