Sadly for Jane, today we as the same as the last ten days… Throwing up gloop. It’s a side effect of the 30 radiotherapy sessions, and 6 chemotherapy sessions.
It’s not sick in a traditional way, but just gloop. Like when you have a really really bad head cold, and all the snot makes you sick. Very similar… Hope you’re not eating your tea.
I went out after 3 days home, I needed to break from the 4 walls! I had a couple coffees, plus got food for myself. I might only have site gums up top, but I’m still hungry, just I have to finely chop or eat soft food, like pasta, or creamed (mashed) potatoes or rice.
Only 11 sleeps left, and not sure if we’ll be having a christmas dinner. Not sure if I can eat toasties, and a roast, and Jane would have to stop glooping, and start to be taste food (at the moment, it all tastes like stale chewing gum).
Christmas dinner can wait… It’s all in the freezer, so no hurry. Even the prawns for obligatory prawn cocktail, are in the freezer (treated to large tiger prawns… It is crimbo!).
Christmas may be just swapping presents this year, and eating ourselves stupid after!
She’ll tell me to go ahead, but I couldn’t knowing she can’t.
Christmas is just as much about sharing, as it is gifts n stupid eating, and spending precious time with those you love.
Not sure what will happen Christmas Eve… Jane’s daughter n wife, and granddaughter are meeting us for swaps and something! Prob just coffees¿¿¿
Remembery friends, it’s not what ya got, it’s the thought with which it was given.
Not everyone can afford lavish gifts from your gift list. You can only look at one tablet at a time, or listen to one set of earbuds/headphones at once.
No one needs lots of the same, especially while some have none.
This Christmas, remember those that haven’t, while we complain about what we have!