Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Hey @TechMan
Today we headed to the coast and stopped at our regular cafe.
I mentioned your coffee and they looked at me like I’d asked them to hand over the cash in their till :rofl: I told them TechMan would NOT be impressed.

However, they did do a nice mocha with a chocolate powder snowman on top :+1:t2:

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Wait what? That’s like the most popular drink in the US… maybe. Definitely not an odd drink :thinking:

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Perhaps that’s something the British are behind with :face_with_monocle:

You have Starbucks there?? They call it a frappucinno…

You could try asking for a Frappuccino at your favorite coffee place…

It’s a Starbucks copyrighted phrase, so no one else will call it that. But they might still know what you’re talking about

This morning we have been to our favourite coastal destination, Cromer, which is on the North Norfolk coast.
Famed for It’s church, pier, fresh local caught crabs and fish and chips.

Anglican episcopal Cromer church.

Some of the narrow streets, the properties are old fisherman’s cottages.

Finally Cromer pier.
The pier houses a theatre, bar/restaurant and the RNLI Cromer lifeboat station.

The beach is normally very sandy but the recent bad weather has brought in a lot of rocks and pebbles, but as you can see, it doesn’t put off dog walkers and hardy locals.

Hope you guys are having a great Sunday.


Ah, I’ve heard of frappucinno.
I don’t drink in the coffee chains unless I have too.
We have some good independents near us who give a much friendlier service and better quality food.

The British should never give up their well known culture.
Today I was talking to an old gentleman from UK
who lives here for years.
What a great pronunciation he had.

Much better than mine as I got some kind of US slang.:rofl:

I will publish photos from Madeira island when back home again
and have to freeze the butts.:confounded:

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Indeed, we must do our best :+1:t2:
How is the weather in Madeira, does this look right?

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Sim senhor!:grin: Fantastico o meu amigo!

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Starbucks is nasty. I was just using it as an example name.

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Bem, isso é ótimo e espero que continue assim :+1:t2:
And that means “Well that just great and I hope it continues that way”
Just in case you are not fluent in Portuguese like Google Translate :rofl:

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Indeed, agree :+1:t2:

I understand it without any translator Paul.
I am speaking quite good Portuguese, which is not " normal" for a German.
But here at Ilha da Madeira everybody speaks English, nobody is expecting
a stranger speaks Portuguese.
But if people find out , you get so much closer.:grin:

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Yes, I can image.
It’s nice when those from other countries learn or knows some of the local language.

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@professor how’s the UK treating you? You all moved in and settled yet?

That’s sugar factory… Calorie dump :nauseated_face:

I think I bought it only once or twice may be, that too when they had it as Special Unicorn Flavor, that too since I promised my wifey

Indeed. At Starbucks they make it a dessert. At the coffee shop I go to, it’s barely sweetened, and way better.

Aw, congrats on the new member of the family!

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Yep, not everything perfect but pretty good.

I biked last week 110 miles into mountains, hiked. I went with a Powercore 10000 PD and a Powerport 2 and recharged in B&B overnight.

I am retired so naturally I am tending to NOT have a weekend, it’s cheaper+quieter to be more mid-week. So the mid-week activities :slight_smile:

I found I’m doing more streaming as not bound to work so I moved to a 100GB/month cellular plan.

This was last week with frost and snow.


Lovely scenery @professor
Which part of the UK have you moved too?
Looking at the pictures I would guess you are north England, maybe Scotland?
I live in Norfolk, which is along the south east coast.