That cake is awesome!!
Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)
Another cake today after the 4:0 for England?
Too bad the Swiss team failed with the penalties.
The fellows were so great when defending the 1:1.
But that’s football.
No cake today.
As the weather is nice we have gone to the coast for an ice-cream.
Just arrived!
I wish you and Mrs Franz a great Sunday.
Enjoy the ice cream and the weather.
Greetings to Debs & Charlie!
Sunny outside here ca 20C.
Some rain the last week.
Plant are growing like in jungle.
The cherry tree got two cherries.
(Hope these will not being stolen by the birds)
Our “royal” English plum tree got a lot of plums.
Yes we have a Queen here in München
as well :
Queen Victoria our little plum tree!
It’s great the plumbe tree has come into fruit.
Plumbs for breakfast, lunch, diner and dessert for you Franz.
The weather here has been about the same, still waiting to see of we get a proper summer.
Don’t care about weather, I think the English team will be in the final.
And Wembley is more than their “home”.
Well I hope your prediction is correct Franz.
It would be amazing if they beat Denmark.
I think they have a good chance, but I’m not a football expert!
Me too!
Really no idea.
Two cherries are better than none
Really pretty photos we had heavy rain the other day so a lot of the flowers were kind of destroyed which was sad
Indeed Kaitlyn, that’s true.
And there will be no troubles when the harvest is.
One for my wife, one for my daughter, because I am not the “master gardener”.
I have to cut trees and branches only.
Just got off work
What are you guys doing?
Not much.
Flea market where I got a fantastic Polar bear sculpture.
Now I am still reasearching the artist who made it.
I have an idea, because I am in that stuff for more than 45 years now,
but still there is no total proof only a 70% attribution.
But its beautiful.
It seems you have to click on the photo to get the full size.
Going on long walks to keep 4 working limbs and a working back for an expected house move in a few weeks.
Then the next house buy project.
10 miles a day walking with a Powercore II 6700.
Have the chair, airbed and a Nebula Capsule Max to handle the living in new house while moving out of old house. We went for new house then rent out old house method so there’s a temporary phase.
So we always did.
The best way to handle such things.
That’s all? -> minimalism!
I tend to agree logistically but means I lock up capital for longer. I’m betting on house price increases so buy then sell is more profitable.
If prices declining then sell then buy better, which is called in England “being in a chain”, which causes chaos as buyers offer lower than accepted and market freezes.
Buy then rent is my current choice.
We were discussing about that I remeber.
The three very most important “valences” of such a property are the
position, position and position.
Been a sleepy weekend for us.
Sounds like some of you guys are keeping busy
Friday is treat night, I buy something sweet on the way home from work as a surprise for Charlie.
This week was Pabs the Pug cake
Now unfortunately it only serves 16, so not won’t last long
It stood about 20cm tall and was about 20cm wide.
All eatable?
It would really brake my heart to cut something off.
Never would “kill” such a funny dog!
By the way Paul: Final today as far I know.
Good luck for the English team.
(I would wish the same to Italians, but there are no active members here! )