Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Wow you got a lot more from winning than I thought that’s great!

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What else did you get? Sorry for being nosey lol

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I went with two Slim 63W and an A-L cable. That will liberate up some dual socket chargers I’m then gifting out.

A typical static location for me has a phone tablet Powercore watch buds recharge need so moving from 2 sockets to 4 sockets means less swapping items over.

We each have unique issues to solve, but this was my mine. I had a B&B trip with one socket like 5 feet away and a hospital visit where the sockets similarly far away so it punted up in my to-do to get a multiport desk charger.

If I win anything else it’s likely all going to friends and family, someone I knew had their appendix out and… guess what… their phone was nearly flat and no charger… Well I’ll solve that for them next time.

Gifting these away

2 slim 63w sound like it was a good idea. You’ll definitely have less chargers and therefore less clutter around the house lol


Money heist is a good one on Netflix tooo

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Quick coastal trip this morning to blow away a few cobwebs and stretch the legs.
I’m feeling an afternoon of movies and popcorn!


If you need some “Malerdecken” (painter’s floor covers) I have some left now.
The fellow did’nt need these, he got some special sources for new ones! :rofl:

Ready so far now.
Weather is getting sunny.
But we are in heavy kitchen work.

I dont know what Madame will be creating.
Something with cashew nuts.


I came to my local and enjoyed some time for myself


Looks great @ikari04warrior hope you had a peaceful day :+1:t2:

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It was peaceful but it was getting a bit windy and I was starting to get cold so I left after a few hours. Hope you have a coming week bud :slightly_smiling_face:

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I’m never the one leaving due to cold

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Looks so peaceful and calm there.
Weather is getting better here too.
So a new project after painting.
Tree cutting!

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What a rare treat so see tha lake like glass.

Perhaps it’s often like this?

Very idyllic and beautiful


I’ve lived in Denver, Co since 1992 and I have NEVER heard of this place called the Paint Mines. It’s outside of Colorado Springs in a town called Calhan. About 2 hours from my house. So I took off Friday and my wife and kids and I went down there. Here’s a google search of what it looks like. Pretty amazing colors.



Seems my painter got there before he did his work here in our house.!

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I just had one of the best weekends I’ve had in a long time. I did absolutely nothing from the time I got off of work on Friday to going to bed on Sunday night. No work, no weekend activities with the family, no off the book jobs. Just stayed at home and binged watched shows. :zzz:

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Lol I need one of those bad boys

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It was very peaceful for sure. Tree cutting doesn’t sound like fun though

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It’s usually like that, there weren’t many paddle boats on the water. It was relaxing to just sit there and listen to music and no worry about anything. We all need a day like every once in a while


Thats really, really true!

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