Weekend activities! (old thread reanimated)

Possible. Chew, don’t look.

Looks like Abattoir Floor sweepings doesn’t it? Is that a finger nail?

The 2 meter social distancing in shops just calls for some background music…


Looking forward to when face masks compulsory.


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Could be a part of a mouse’s tail!
Only the butcher knows.

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If you’ve gone out for black pudding the 1hr rule doesn’t apply, Borris told me :grimacing:

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Yuck…I like a bit of blood in my steaks but never taken to black pudding…its kinda essentially a big scab :face_vomiting:

Well the weekend is upon us, so I think homemade Chicken Enchiladas (and Tequila) could be a good start :grin:


Hope they tasted as great as they look @ndalby :+1:t2:

Hey guys, hope you’ve all had a great week are are fighting fit?
Today, I only realised it was Saturday just before lunch when I realised the radio presenter was different to what I expected!
Anyone else completely lots with the days?

Today we have been baking, just a simple banana loaf.
Funny story, i completed the online shop in hurry and I clicked 5kg instead of 5 individual bananas.

After that we used the chocolate bar maker and melted down a lot of the chocolate from Easter.

Whatever you have planned today, have a fun and peaceful day.

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Did you put cut bananas on top of the bread? This was a classic food we ate as kids, but we never thought of this.

Have you tried walnuts in the bread?

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Hey @TechMan hope you’re keeping well.

Yeah, sliced banana in half, smeared the cut side with lemon juice to stop it browning too much.
4 bananas, brown sugar, flour, couple of eggs and a few other bits and an hour in the oven.

Have t tried nuts, this is our debut, maybe next time.

Now the proof is in the eating, we will try it after our evening meal :+1:t2:

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Nice. I always eat it with butter, but maybe I’m just weird :grin:

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We should start a “housewife’s thread” swapping recipes! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Andrew, come on!
Bake a cake!

The banana cake looks absolutely perfect.
Same Charlie’s pralines.
I see from his face he loves to do.
But tell him, confectioner is a hard job.

Hoarding bananas now :laughing:
Often its only ONE false click to get ruined, Paul! :joy:

My wife is “boiling down” jam.
Mixture of orange and rhubarb.
The jams from UK are very famous!
Could be one of your next projects!

But now lets think about what to do with the bananas!


As well as never making it before I’ve never eaten it either.
So I might just try that @TechMan

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Panic buying bananas :rofl:
I gave half to our neighbour, they are nice people and always giving little things to Charlie.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory springs to mind.

I love a nice jam, especially on toast.
Maybe your wife could put some in a plastic jar and post to us here in the UK.

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I had Wednesday off work, and I did a bunch of baking, and donated it to a local food pantry. A lot more people are going to the pantry since so many are out of work.


All your neighbors have to bake banana cake tomorrow.
And they are waiting longingly for your “next special orders”! :joy:

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Photos Andrew!
I remember you were in that bacon thread some time ago.

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I didn’t take photos of it all. I instantly regretted not doing so, as it looked so good all together.

I have one photo of a cinnamon roll. I made 6 trays of these :sweat_smile:


They did :yum:

Have enough bananas there :laughing:…if you have blueberries around you could easily whip up some banana & blueberry muffins as snacks…

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Paul will order now 5 kg of that blueberries! :joy:
New sidejob : fruits and cakes shop!


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Banana bread,
banana cereal
banana tea
banana coffee
banana beer?
banana socks?
banana phone cover?

Back when before you the famous banana beer billionaire we were here for you.

The joke here was it rained continuously until the day before lockdown, then dry sunny during lockdown, therefore we’ll know when lockdown ends it will then resume raining every day.

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