We need a new contest, giveaway section

Reminds me of Taylor Swift’s song

Cause the players gonna play, play, play, play, play
And the haters gonna hate, hate, hate, hate, hate
And the Lurkers are gonna lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk, lurk :joy: :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:


No offense… but each one of us was a lurker at one point of a time (may be even a single day on community)

Nope. I never lurked…

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Yes many start as lurkers, the majority remain as those.
But some, a tiny minority as you, are fantastic, honored members now. Chapeau!

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Lol the song was on when I was typing that

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i knew it… may be telepathy :smiley:

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giving hard time to active members to deter lurkers is not a great strategy
Anyways, I felt a need for a dedicated section so I requested one.
To do that or not is up to Anker

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sure we did!


He has a point I seem to spend about 45 mins here all most every day :relieved:

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Anker takes the final call, so, don’t worry guys, just voice your opinions and forget.
I like the idea tho…

this is already covered, all that has to happen is Anker team needs to put all the events / contests in the Campaigns section :slight_smile:[quote=“Shenoy, post:14, topic:69495”]
@kumar.sachin if you see the sections, most giveaways are listed on Campaigns :slight_smile: so problem solved?

@AnkerOfficial @AnkerTechnical should list ALL contests / giveaways in Campaigns!!

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@kumar.sachin, most of them are already in the Blog/Campaign categories. Also, you’d probably have better luck messaging the admins.

This is the real problem. Many of the new topics by admins don’t register as “new” because they wait to publish them.


Let anker act rather than pushing your judgement in this matter

The topics by the admins always register as new for me…

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Not pushing judgement here… was an observation that what you are asking is already there.