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Yes options are good and easy

So the experience you had with having to fiddle to make the cable work, combined with Anker baffling decision to not sell with all the plugs makes for a prediction of bad reviews.

If you sell one purchasable product with a detachable end, it will cause connection issues and risks being lost. So if this were the only thing you could buy then might as well weld it to the end.

If instead it is detachable, that weakness must be exchanged for flexibility and so come with all the plug ends.

I think as they are currently selling it is worse of both worlds, both fixed to laptop type and prone to fiddle and loss.

A laptop needing 19.5V is going to require the highest standard of electrical connection, at end of a USBC port, 6ft cable, to add the resistance of a fiddle connector will not survive many months of use. You’ll see reviews of folks saying laptop flat as they moved the laptop and hadn’t noticed the fiddle loose problem.

Bring forward good engineering above marketing!

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Well my review will be in 2 parts. One part that reviews the cable as is and how it performed. Second part will be is the cable, as is, worth it and that’s where it’s gonna get some bashing because of mostly the reason you said. But hey, compared to carrying around my laptop charger, which is small to begin with, this thing is a whole other level of portable.

You passed him off to me!

@AnkerOfficial See your inbox

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You don’t want to get me started. This is supposed to be family friendly :joy:


j’ai un poster de Anker dans ma chambre sa peu aider!!!
je veu un cadeau merci

Anker France :slight_smile:

Another testing is coming :tada::tada: UK only this time :wink: Where are our UK friends?

@Insider do you know anything about this charger? I don’t remember ever hearing anything about it.

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Looks like a UK version of this one

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What @ndalby said.

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Ahh nice. The different form factor threw me off.

I have this charger, but I think I like the compactness of the UK version better.

Good luck @ndalby

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I want to test too :slight_smile:

Hope to see all the UK Regulars selected for this testing event :wink:

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I applied but I’m never picked


As to the product to test, its a small UK specific 18W charger. Interesting they put the socket on that side, that prevents it being used in sockets where there’s something plugged immediately below but benefits it in places squished up behind something.


I have plenty of 18W devices so I can do a thorough test, I own plenty of other 18W Anker chargers so can do size comparison.

The UK 3 pin socket means there’s a minimum worthwhile height+width, the 3 pins also means you can put in a longer heavy charger there and it won’t fall out. The reasonable minimum size for UK is thus bigger than in US where you can do folding pins. You can make a UK charger therefore too small or where the plug sticks out, like as shown in these

This one is needlessly narrow, you could put more Wattage in this without it being bigger in terms of maximum width

This one, the pins are way too high up, making it needlessly too tall for no gain in Wattage


This one could be wider to add, say a 2nd USB port.


It’s not til you get something like this you are beginning to fill the volume in front of the plug with maximum usefulness.


What I like about this design is it makes use of all the width and height of the UK socket, it’s a UK specific design, not just the USA model with a different shape plastic glued on.

But if they made it deeper and made it dual socket, even better! Imagine a deeper version, say dual 18W…


Hey, will this output 45W? Aka do you think it will work with the new DC-C cable and my laptop which only needs 45W and 19.5V? Thanks buddy!

It can be potentially better if your laptop can ingest at 60W

I’m ready for a US test!