We Love Testing | Upcoming Testing Events

You say that @onstar I am more than happy to call anyone from it (time zones permitting, I’m in the UK) to anyone that emails or PM’s me a number. :+1:t2:

Thanks @Chiquinho @Ice1 and @Shenoy :+1:t2:


A conference call between members for testing one of those would be class :grin:
You could have a bad language competition and record it :sunglasses:

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In game :+1:t2:

I PM’d you. Maybe tomorrow?


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I’ll be taking it to work so a good chance :+1:t2:
What’s your location?

Wait why arent we using this to like play Fornite or something :rofl:

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I’m in greater Los Angeles, California. UTC -7.

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The announcement dates are out by a day compared to the ‘We Love Testing’ page…might be worth clarifying which is the most accurate version for community members

Yesss, i know it!!!


Have you guys received your powerwave 2?


Not yet! Still waiting…

Nope. I imagine COVID-19 has affected shipments quite a bit.

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Nope, nothing here so far. And I monitor shipments coming to my house with the main carriers (USPS/Fedex/UPS), so it isn’t even on the way yet that I can tell.

No, I have not.

Still haven’t received any shipping details :blush:

Well you’re going have 3 phases of supply issues.

In the first wave it’s simply Chinese factories closing temporarily, that is coming to end slowly.

2nd wave is that the tools and equipment in the factory as they wear, then suffer supply issues so the factory capacity slowly crumbles.

3rd wave is why would you run a factory to make a couple of $ making an Anker product when you can retool and make respirators and other medical products and sell for $$$.

I’d just be very tolerant of delay, many of those up the supply chain have had far worse experiences.

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Guys, I would write a note to @AnkerOfficial asking on update, if it is a delay on shipping or logistics or stock issue. Please send it to get official response.

Hopefully, you should get an update tomorrow

Thanks all for the reply. I just want to make sure that I didn’t miss anything.