Waterproof charger?

Blade and motor design

that is efficiency, but you cannot extract more energy than is in the system to begin with.


Worked in Star Wars and Star Trek


Not physics.

By the way, how is that teleportation and FTL (faster than light, aka Warp Drive) business you want to start fairing?

Ahead of it’s time

Zip lock bags are great for simple waterproofing. Of course you’d need to keep both your phone and Anker in there while charging, but half a dozen ziplocks should cover you for all eventualities. You can even use your phone screen through them with no problems.

Nigel and Isaac, I feel like you’re just posting to post at this point. Let’s keep the comments positive and ideas moving forward!

Hey, ch217203 - Did you ever get a response from a moderator on this idea? Do we know if a waterproof charger is currently in the works? Thanks!

So do we know if something like this is in the works? I stopped reading responses to this thread when a couple people started bickering back and forth just to get more “points for posts”…

I would say charge your phone fully before you kayak, or heck, you really don’t need to be on your phone at all for a few hours. Plus, you could just buy a water resistant phone. They are widely available these days… not saying that you need to, though.

A waterproof case has the advantage you can get one which floats, in case it falls off the side, and you can use say the Powercore Slim 5000 inside the case with the phone, because recharging must necessarily open a port so nullifying waterproofing…

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True the case is fine, but that’s why I said to just make sure your phone is fully charged before you go out onto the water (who needs to be on their phone that much while kayaking anyways). Then you can charge it when you get back into the car or home.