US only, what gives?

Since I joined this forum there has been several giveaways but they are always US only, Correct me if I am wrong, and the rest get discounts only . I find this mildly offensive and wish that it was a private email to the US customers only so I wouldn’t have to see it. :disappointed:
Just venting


Apart from this one which was USA/UK/CA only

Then there’s discounts for UK UK UK UK

I accept USA is more often but “always” ?

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@nigelhealy OK, I admit “Always” was a bit unwarranted, I have only been here for one month so that’s what I am basing it on. I find discounts overrated. I can buy it for the same discount without being a part of this forum. I get a lot of free or 99% off product to review from other sellers and there is no involvement other than the odd review required. I treat this like a Job, :grin: OK hobby!

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US market is always the one companies try to settle themselves in. It’s a tough diverse market so companies will do a lot to promote themselves to consumers. Cause once you’re a household brand, the money automatically rolls in. Hence, giveaways, etc.

I’m sure they’ll do giveaways for other markets as well.


Makes sense that they target the US more, larger market base = more sales (in theory)…


As a US guy, I’ve seen a number of CA only offers as well. I think we just noticed the offers we’re not entitled to / included in more acutely.

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Very true @ndalby however there is 1100 Soundcore speaker reviews on so it has a pretty strong market but not as strong as the 3000 reviews on .com. Like @tommcd24 said I just notice the ones I am not entitled to more and I only notice the free ones not the discounts which are a plenty for Canada. I think my frustration stems from the fact that I am on three similar sites albeit not all have forums just this one and I have won two items in the past week on them and then found out I was not eligible because of where I live. I tried to explain that I have a .ca and a .com account with Amazon and can review on both but to no avail. I do understand why this is the way it is but it just irks (is that a word) me to see it and have it happen to me.

I agree that the emails should be better targeted. It would be much nicer not to keep seeing promos that are not valid for me. I think Anker would need to set up their subscriber profiles better first though.

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