Upgraded Bolder LC40 Flashlight

Discount code for USA $17

Rules: US only. Starts October 24th 00:00 PDT 2017, ends October 25th 23:59 PDT 2017. Discount quantity is limited. First come, first served.


My wife literally just yelled at me and said no more flashlights as I was just about to order 2. She said I don’t need anymore as I just brought 2 more over the weekend from the Colman store.

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Well blame Anker for making a newer better one! It is not your fault.

I ordered a new LC40 to go with the LC90 I just won to get me a total of 3 old LC40, 3 LC90, 1 LC130 and 1 new LC40. It is only 8 I count, barely excessive.

1 each for each car, 1 each for each bike, 1 for every bed headboard.

I have over 100 knives and 30 flashlights, I’m a bit obsessed. I know where she’s coming from but I light shiny and sharp things and can’t help myself. I may order it once I see what my paycheck is cone thursday

Edit: D’oh I just realized it ends tomorrow, no luck on being able to order it then until maybe next sale

Just order it. We all have our little secrets. :smiling_imp:


Cool. Anker often (usually?) does a small discount immediately after volume shipment, and then periodic. The lowest price is likely 40% discount off $20 = $12 but could take 6 months.

Save up $ for next month, historically the deepest discount month mid to late November.

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Hmmm I wonder why… :confused: Surely not because of Black Friday or Cyber Monday/Week, right?

Tell me I’m not stupid.

So you still have to be very cautious/aware this time of year. Many companies will make it seem like a great deal when it really isn’t… Surely Anker would never do something like that.

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Fake discounts can be tackled by knowing > 1 month in advance the price history.

Geek level 11 required. The universe does not need us but we are likely the last to be alive.

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Thanks Nigel, I’m usually aware of pricing. Just this month threw me for a loop as I realized I spent far more of my paychecks than I had anticipated so now end of the month struggles come to make sure I have enough for rent.it will be close but I can’t spend any extra yet so I’m gonna save til next month that sales


New Anker Bolder P2 LED Flashlight

120 lumens

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Ooh that looks fancy, perfect for my tool bag

Interesting design. I don’t know if I like it or not. LOL…

Missed the LC40 on power user a while ago, P2 seems nice, doubled battery capacity for longer usage.

I bought one of these yesterday - I’m excited to see how it is. I already have a older LC40 (the one that takes AAA batteries, which is annoying), but I’m looking forward to this rechargeable one. Even though the micro-USB isn’t a USB-C, I’m still excited. I’ve got to do something with all those mirco USB cables I’ve got, after all.:grin:

Perfect for the Dalek.


Bolder P2 Flashlight 10% off with coupon on listing.