I’d love to hear them to explain why the official rules/prize were changed by Anker at the top of this page, 18 days later, after the contest ended (12 days), prizes awarded like it never happened. That would not be as easy as sending out a “stock shortage” letter.
About 2 months ago I entered for a prize that I shouldn’t have as it stated US only. Guess what, I won. I contacted anker marketing and they sent me a prize of equal value that was available in my country even though it was clearly my fault. I didn’t have to argue, it was their offer. Outstanding support. You say they are shady, give your head a shake. It didn’t cost a penny to enter the contest
Can you guess what the explanation could be for going back and changing the original post with the contest information, after the fact? I would appreciate that, cause that’s one thing I can’t figure out ! I guess the original was “fake news”.
I did try and contact, even escalated to Mgmt…but no response. I was not as fortunate as you. Congrats on your win!
I have been explaining only facts and my thoughts after considering the facts. You may disagree with my thoughts, but please don’t ignore the facts. Those of you that cant understand that , please never serve on a jury !
Fact: Anker decided to run a promotion to increase awareness and increase sales for their Powercore ll.
Fact: Anker listed the prize as a Powercore 20000 and knew exactly (150 pieces) what they would be giving away in those 7 days of promotion.
Fact: Anker sends out winning emails listing a less costly item for them, without any explanation.
Fact: Once Anker was confronted with this they posted they were short on stock.
Fact: Stock levals seem to be fine on the Anker website and Amazon
Fact: Anker, 18 days after listing the promotion and after the contest had ended changed the prize they listed.
Come to your own conclusions after being presented with the facts.
As I stated earlier, It is the way it was handled by Anker. If it was a human mistake and the wrong prize was listed, just say that! That is totally understandable and they can refer to rule #8 on that one. Don’t try and say we ran a promotion, we knew what and how many prizes we are awarding and all of a sudden we have a stock shortage on that prize and by the way we should go back and change that prize after it ended so we pretend it was not listed.
Please remember that a company runs promotions to increase sales and get emails.It’s that simple ! If they wanted to be so great they would pick some of you wonderful people who contribute so much on this community and reach out to you and award you gifts.
I can’t speak for them but they probably have a lot of employees and one of them may have made a bad decision. Might have been pressure to alleviate more questions form other winners. I would not read too much into it. … Trust me when I say they have been a very honest company and maybe made a mistake… You should not assume the worst…Maybe they had problems with the 20000. Only they know
I can understand your point but was there another situation where they changed there price? I can not remember it.
About the #1 point change I think it is better, because otherwise more people would be confused.
They have and do reach out and award gifts to the wonderful people of this community.
I get what you are saying about the facts. But!!! They reserve the right to change or even cancel a competition should they need too. Surely you can see that they have that right. What happens after that is out of their hands so to speak.
If there is a back lash and 100 decide to unsubscribe etc then so be it. But it’s their decision and they’ve made it.
All we can tell you is whether it was an oversight on their part or something else, it has never happened before which shows this is not the norm.
And, previously they have even been kind enough to send prizes to people who have entered competitions they are not eligible for (as explained above)
Don’t try telling this guy something like this has never happened . He posted on Anker Facebook 2 weeks ago:
Paul Curry: " I lost faith on your name and your competitions last year when you fixed a competition, then deleted the post and my comments before anything went futher. I used to buy everything Anker, not anymore."
This was not an honorable solution for the issue Anker created. If they are as great as everyone keeps saying on here then wouldn’t they have come up with a better solution. See the facts again if you still disagree !
If I particularly wanted a product I can use money, buy it, and if then if it’s not what was claimed then seek redress.
A free item, I don’t think I have the same level of rights and grateful for anything. Even if it becomes not what I personally want I can gift it to someone who will enjoy and use it, or barter it, or use as a spare, etc.
The last item I really wanted was a new Powercore 10000 and I bought one using money in the last discount. This gift of the II 10000 will be a gift to someone I know who has a phone who is QC.
Also for the record, there have been situations where some here just got a free box of things sent without competitions.
Anker doesn’t work weekends so you have to wait and til then accept their last reply on this.
Generosity should be responded with generosity, the odd error should be responded with tolerance.
OMG- That is the mentality that I cannot understand. Why do you, and some others, think that this is generosity by Anker for running a contest. Any company that runs a promotion does so to increase awareness, sales, and gather email’s to send future promotion material to. It is an advertising cost, pure and simple! Why do you think that when a company runs a promotion that it is being generous to their customers. That logic baffles me. Do you also believe that when Anker runs a sale it is being generous to the customers for lowering their price?
I apologize and really got to stop replying to the sheep. They will never be swayed and deny the facts. Let’s just all “Make America Great again”…i guess… You may be right, I’m the crazy one here.
The sort of thing which would stop me buying Anker would be too frequent a product failure, or lower customer support such as bad warranty issues.
Anker competition sour grapes should make you not bother entering competitions again. To mix your purchase decisions from competitions experience is just being spiteful particularly to oneseelf.
If they really wanted to save money they would or could have offered up and met the demands of 10 powercore 20000 instead of 150 of the powercore 10000 . They would have met the same awareness, sales and gathered the same emails for a lot less cost.
Anyone not happy at receiving the “inferior” 10k power brick, please PM me and I’ll give you my address!
It is normal for a competition to change its prize and to say they deserve that right.
However, it is usually… We reserve the right to change to the prize, to a different item of the same or greater value
It is unusual for a company to supply a lesser prize… BUT you didn’t pay nothing to enter, and therefore didn’t lose anything. Stop griping and accept, you got a free gift for answering a question.
Be glad you won, some of us entered everyday and still didn’t win.
On the topic of inventory. The Anker product line is so wide and diverse I doubt they make them all continuously. No they’re likely making a few products at a time in large batches based on popularity. I’d expect a 6-8 week lag between seeing need for products and it being in stock in country (manufacturing, export, import).
So if they don’t have inventory you’re having to wait weeks. Then they also have to respond to demand, so one product might never get made again if some other product is really popular. Then also products are eventually superceded so never available again.
Hence the competitions and discounts is a way to nuance inventory, if you made a big batch and in stock and not quite as popular as forecast you can shift them faster.
I suspect therefore in this case more Powercore II 20000 we’re being bought in Amazon than expected so they had to change minds between creating competition and the final decisions. But this is Anker’s internal business.
So best to see this as a stream of “now”.
The other, not your point but same root cause, is technology aging sour grapes. The minute a product is made, it is aging, the successor is being designed. In other forums, people complain they just bought a new product and it’s successor came out. Or they just bought it, but others are not buying as fast as forecast so a discount appears just after they bought.
All these are just logical consequences of supply chain.