The Anker Treasure Hunt | Find Every Product to Win

Not clouds, those are magnetic cable holders?


You remind me of those crime shows in the 90s where they would take a 2mp security camera photo, and zoom in 20x and then have a 12mp zoomed photo :joy:


Gotcha @Shenoy :+1:t2:

I see all 10 pretty good camouflage for some of em

Haha Now you gave @Fuu_bar another idea to imagine :joy:

That moment when you think you find another one but it’s just dirt and fingerprints on the screen :joy:


I got the DR bit :grinning:
It was the SEP quote (systems engineering plan?) and Qualys (which I’m still none the wiser) that I didn’t understand.

There person who gets fired is not the one who’s fault it is. It is the person who was managed to be blamed the most convincingly.

What is being said is the customer’s Symantec Endpoint Protection Manager detected an issue following a disaster recovery test. I worked with Symantec, Qualys and did DR planning and testing for 20 years. But that’s a different story. Right, buttplugs anyone?


I’m pretty sure Qualys is an IT company but could be wrong


I hate all of you.

I get that @professor
I think that can be said for many commercial mess-ups!

Ding ding ding spot on. Truly hate doing DR tests just because they end up running for like 40 hours and over the weekend. Not that I didn’t patch their environment the weekend before, but they are one of multiple customers I/we have, so it is a never ending thing.

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Or maybe they are Anker batteries?!?!?!

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Kind of. I worked there too. Outside their offices is really good 4th July fireworks at the Lagoon.

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First time I have had one of my customers install their stuff, but it seems like they are overhauling a lot of things because we just got done with a PCA migration a couple of weeks back with their new shiny X8M-8 EF, so why not toss some Qualys stuff into the mix

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10… just!..

Anker should just keep editing the picture every couple days with a few new items to throw everyone for a loop lol.


Or removing some and really send us over the edge



I will say 10, unless those cannons are something else, then 13 lol .