The Anker Treasure Hunt | Find Every Product to Win

I see 10 items or objects.

10 Items!!

I found 8 items

I see 10 Anker products! You think you’re so sly… @AnkerOfficial

I see ten items!

Sure didnt make it easy but found all 10! thanks for the chance for some awesome free anker products!

I found 10

There is 6

I was able to find 8 items

Found them!

I see 10 items.

I see 11 Anker items.

This was fun! And very sneaky, @AnkerOfficial, but I found all 10! HA!

I see 11 items

:grinning::grinning:great job

I only see 9.

I see 10. :slight_smile:

I must be really bad at this. I only see 6

10 is where it is at.

I only see 8.