Test Soundcore Infini for FREE!

What will I do to test the Soundcore Infini? I will connect it to my 48" LG TV, my LG (Android) cellphone), my iPad, my HP laptop and my Google home. I LOVE music so I will have to test out my playlists on Spotify and Pandora to hear just how awesome the sound is going to be. It would also be super nice to hear the TV through this to get the theater experience in a compact speaker! :slight_smile:

My plan would be Video of unboxing. Video of features as well. I would hook it up and also share with family and friends. Id share with Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Google+. I can also leave it on my YouTube as well. Id love to try this out. Thanks for the opportunity! Shared on my Facebook and Twitter.

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-Video unboxing and first impressions
-L-cut with B-roll
-Spend a couple of days putting the device through its paces (testing volume, connectivity, ease of use, sound in different rooms, etc)
-Compare to my existing sound bar
-Share my results of my testing
-Talk about Pros and Cons
-Price evaluation
-Score/10 (possibly with categories and/or overall out-of-10 score)

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I have already shared the post of this on my Facebook wall (www.facebook.com/risu.ryan)
It would be a honour to test this awesome soundbar,

My plan is to test and review the soundbar on separate videos as broken down below. I would love to post my video reviews on my YouTube channel, as well as Facebook and Twitter.Thank Anker for another awesome review contest!!

Video 1:
1.) Unboxing of the soundbar
2.) Setup of soundbar
3.) Ease of use, and testing of each input type
4.) Wrap up first video of the soundbar

Video 2:
1.) Present this soundbar
2.) Go over the specs of each one
3.) Test and compare each soundbar at the same time against one another
4.) Wrap up testing each one and explain where they would be best suited for use and also ranking the. First second or third…
5.) Conclusion and final thoughts


hi anker im a 19 years old beat producer from germany and I’d love to test the soundcore infiniti.
I will post a youtube video on my chanel with a full review and test the 3 modes.

I really really hope to win and good look to the others too.

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I’d love to test the Soundcore Infiniti as we actually don’t have any external sound system for our TV.

So my testing plan consists of:

  • Unboxing - what’s in the box? how does it look and feel?
  • Connecting and using with our Samsung 4k Smart TV including Playstation 4 gaming and Fire TV Stick
  • Connecting and using with our Smartphones (Samsung Galaxy 7, 9 Plus and iPhone 6S)
  • Trying to get it to work with Alexa
  • How easy is it to use? Can our 3 and 8 year old kids use it without problems?

Kind regards from Germany,

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Unboxing the Soundcore
Explaining the benefits of choosing the Anker Brand
Explaining the Specs
Sound test on all my devices
My honest review of the product
Ending the video with thanking Anker for the chance to review the Product.

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I would love to test and review this soundbar. After testing I would post my review to Facebook, Twitter, my Blog, Pinterest and Instagram


I would do one video comparing the Soundbar with my Bose 5:1 system and sony Dolby Surround Pro logic Towers both about 5 years old.

I will play songs that would test not only the base level but mid-range in trouble.

playing Snippets of the same song on each system and then explaining the differences.

Then would come the theater test “movie test”. On my 55" 4k HDR TV.

Explain both of there strengths and weaknesses.

I would really appreciate the opportunity to do an evaluation. I believe in the brand and currently own three sets of your wireless earbuds and two power Banks.


I will make a youtube video


Nice idea!

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@Brenton_CHilds you’re too late for your entry as it’s past the entry date.


Oooooooo today is the day, we all get disappointed‽ lol

Fingers crossed everyone… Especially me! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Wow, thanks for the selection @AnkerOfficial …certainly an unexpected but awesome way to start the week :heart_eyes: Will have to tread softly with my neighbours while testing this beast out :laughing:

Congrats to the other members selected…no doubt to great reviews will be made and shared :thumbsup:


I’m disappointed that I didn’t get picked but even more disappointed that Neil is the only regular that I recognise as a winner. (Well done Neil :clap:t2:)
It would of been nice if more of us regular members who are frequently here got a chance instead of the handful of “one and done” members.

Not looking for a reaction or anything just stating my opinion on it.


Nice to see @Dez_S and @ndalby get selected, both are active around here. The others…well I’ll keep that civil and say congrats


@AnkerOfficial when are you gonna do a contest for members that are over a certain level only? I know I’m not the only one that wants to see this happen.


Bugger, no real surprise… Esp when the boss predicts before the draw, that I would have a problem‽

Oh well, c’est la vie :sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy::sleepy:


Cheers @Macgyver15 & @elmo41683

Thought with the quality of the testing plans submitted that at least half of the 10 would have been constantly ‘active’ members…

Now that’s would be an interesting one :grin:


Congratulations winners​:clap::clap::clap: