Suggestion for a new laptop

Just to update you guys, I went to Microcenter yesterday and got a Crucial SSD which I switched in the evening. Got my laptop running like new (and even better actually). The speed is honestly crazy but a clean Windows 10 update feels a little odd because less bloatware on my laptop now :joy:. Hoping this SSD lasts long so I can just upgrade my RAM for better performance.

Thank you all so much for your advice and saving me so much money!! I won’t tag anyone because I’m sure I’ll miss some of you :sweat_smile:


Hurra! Genau!

You did what we have been told you.

family hints

If there is an upgrade of RAM possiible (depends on the mb) you should do
but never mix the types of RAM…

By the way, to install a “clean and fresh” WIN will help a lot too.


Yes I installed clean and fresh Windows 10. Did the trick. Will wait until this semester is done to upgrade the RAMs. And yea I won’t mix those chips for sure. I know my laptop can be upgraded to up to 16GBs. Can be incremented from 6GB (currently) to 8, 12, and finally 16


16GB is fine.
If you get some “bucks” (not Powerbucks :rofl:) you should go for that 16GB.
Windows is really greedy for RAM (but even the MS fellows don’t know why)

That 6GB is really not enough. Upgrade this!

Yea I was using my dad’s laptop with 8 GB and it felt so much better. I have a couple projects due within 30 days that’ll test this SSD so should know if it can endure the load

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So glad you got it fixed and that is working better now. It’s always better to fix what you got if you can instead of buying something knew. I would wait for a break in school before trying to tinker with more because last thing you want is to mess it up and need it the next day for school. Hope you’re having a great weekend


Yep yep nothing more I’m messing with at the moment. Just thinking of SATA to USB converter thingy to try to get remaining data from hard drive (in case it still works a little)


There are really cheap cases use SATA and SSD as an external memory.
I got one for 6 Euros works fine.

Are you sure it wasn’t encrypted?

Does WIN an encryption automatically?
Never heard of this!
But who knows -> MS is MS! :rofl:

Windows calls it bitlocker, version specific it’s on by default and you have to export the key. Prevent data theft by removing drive and mounting.

Most people who selected windows or Mac did it for simplicity meaning they don’t even know what we’re discussing. Most people with windows have not exported their key and so data is permanently lost. Probably what a planned drive swap does is they boot normally on old drive, export key, then boot new drive and mount old drive supplying the key.

Ja, who knows in our world what he is really doing!

Well personally on Linux I have an unencrypted drive with encrypted home, I have an encrypted SD card and crontab rsync certain folders from home to SD, so if drive fails I have my data. The SD is a bootable Linux and if drive fails then boot SD and mount encrypted partition.

Most Windows users just have an awful realisation their bricked, some are geeks who have to use Windows and have a bootable 2nd drive but they are <1% of people in my experience, I know plenty who get halted for a day or more when Windows has a bad day.

Same I do.
not much personal data < 3GB.
A pensioner doesnt have a pile of useless files. :rofl:

And I have a “mirrored” Laptop.
Old Lenovo also, of course same data, same type of Linux Mint.
Never got any loss or probs this way.

Hmm I’m not very sure tbh. If Amazon offers free returns and stuff like that, I’m willing to try it out and clean out my harddrive to use as external drive if it’s working. Also have a old laptop that’s done whose hard drive I would like to clean off