Stay Cool! How to keep yourself safe this summer

I can’t confirm nor deny that a hot shower/bath will cool you down better in hot days. But I can offer some anecdotal knowledge: the feeling of coolness stays slightly longer after a warm shower - like, just a little, enough to be felt warmer than your skin but not hot. Just make sure to quit the bathroom as soon as possible - the coolness comes from the water evaporating from your skin, something not likely to happen in the humidity-filled environment of the bathroom after a hot shower.

Speaking of which, that’s an important caveat on the hot drinks advice: your skin must be able to evaporate sweat for the coolness effect to take place, something hard when humidity is high.

Side note: I just discovered this interesting little device: a cheap and portable UV camera, so you can check on your sunscreen protection. :sunglasses:

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Great topic! Lol.
I like to workout in an AC environment, I am not a weirdo, I just don’t like sweating.:joy:


That’s weird indeed. Workout without sweat :stuck_out_tongue:


I need to start drinking more water in general…no matter what season it is ):

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Get some mio I drink buckets of water ever since I started using it.


There are some reminder apps to help you keep track, if that’s something you would be interested in. There are ways to estimate you hydration needs, but I would advise not to get to hung up on that.

There’s also the true and tried method of always having a water bottle with you. Sip by sip, you’ll be drinking more water without noticing. That’s what I do, I have a 500ml bottle with me at all times. I got to a point where pure water makes about 80% of any liquid I ingest - I can’t pass the morning tea, and a glass of chocolate milk after a run is like nothing else. It’s been a few years since I ordered any drink other than water at a restaurant. When I feel fancy, I order sparkling water. :sunglasses:

And it doesn’t have to be water. Tea is basically water with whatever taste you like - try not to add sugar, but go for the lemon and milk. Juices are also mostly water - again, hold the sugar, easier because most fruits are already sweet enough on their own. A watermelon, as the name indicates, is around 90% water. Eat it and you are basically munching water. Most fruits have a high enough water percentage to help you hydrate.


Another trick:
But only if the sleeping is about 45C
(e.g. Brasil)
You might wet your bed sheet and wrap yourself in it.
But be careful, I will not take ANY responsibilty if you catch a cold.

But if you need to cool down a barrel of beer you might do the same.
This way you need not to be carefull :slight_smile:

Simple physics! :grin:

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Whow, I would drink this stuff I would need a hospital!

As it is still about 28C here in Munich 20:00 i prefer this one.
(Leicht = light :wink:)
(Hope Tiago will allow this :joy:)

I’ve had a heck of a time getting the hubby to drink more water and less sugary drinks. Now, I’m proud to say that he is drinking a lot more water, all thanks to these water flavoring packets I got for him. It adds a bit of flavor without all that nasty sugar. His favorite flavor is the Peach Mango. I prefer just the Lemon or Lime. Every morning, I add ice to the water bottle and mix the water then throughout the day, we just drink water. Most times, we’ll fill it up a couple times a day. Check them out for yourself, perhaps that will motivate you to drink more water :slight_smile:


This is what I do when I work overnights. They tend to turn the AC off so we work in the night heat and humidity. But I just fill up my jug with ice and water, add a dash of lemon and I’m good to go. I usually drink 2 or 3- 32oz bottles a night. But last night I drank about 3 gallons of water because i was so hot


I used to to something like that when I lived in Cuiaba. Without an AC in my room, at the hottest of the summer it was almost impossible to sleep. I would take a shower and lie down without drying myself, with the ceiling fan on max. I would wake up still wet, but from the sweat that formed overnight…

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I can’t think of any reason for a person to put a parabolic mirror inside a car under a hot sun - or for a person to own a parabolic mirror in the first place - but this happened:


You still wet your bed, Franz? :slight_smile:


I stopped this after my first year of life! :heart_eyes:


So you lived in Brazil when one year old, because you wetted your bed then you wrote :stuck_out_tongue:

Just kidding!


Never lived in Brasil.
“So falo um pouquinho Portugues,
mas nao sou Portuguese nem Brasileiro.”
(I speak only a little Portugues, but I’m neither Portugues nor Brazilian)

But I I like both countries and have been there often.


Bleh too hot for me. I even hate Florida. It’s fine early spring but then it gets to hot already. Not to speak about those no-see-ums got 50+ bites in two nights last spring.


Good call! I’m a huge fan of the Black Cherry Limeade!

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That’s my favorite too. But I try to just stick with their Lemon or Lime packets. Not a fan of Stevia. It leaves an after taste.


My fav is Fagyo Grape

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