Thanks for the tips. Make you think how we kinda forget that there is a danger and how we forget that it could start a fire. But battery life have seemed to be an issue in the more recent years.
Stay Cool! How to Keep Your Phone Safe This Summer
I think the best thing is to remember that like all electronics, they just need to be able to breath in order to stay cool. We have to carry our phones in our pockets, but we should keep them out to breath as much as possible.
I stay cool by sitting next to my AC
I must say never leave any electronic products or even child in the a Car. I saw a lot of damage news happened.
Not proud of this, but i’ve found my tv remote in the fridge a few times… realized I would leave it in there after digging through it looking for munchies. Lol
Heat is not the only thing we need to protect our phones from in the summer…
Not every phone is water proof or water resistant, don’t forget about pouches or sleeves when going to the pool or beach.
Also good if u accidentally drop it in the sand, cleaning speakers and charge ports can be a tedious task. I dropped my phone a few times onto the desert sand at Burning Man, it sucks.
Damage is the best excuse to buy the latest gadget
Regarding the child you’re MORE than sarcastic.
I saw a ‘lot’ of similar news lately. Usually not kids, but dogs. Several time police broke car windows to rescue dogs.
I think those people often aren’t evil but just plain stupid. Or they just forget.
As a follow-up today I’ve read a news item about how parents behave today and a few decades ago.
In the past toddlers were only allowed in very shallow pools. Talking about a few inches deep. Even then the kids often had floaters and mom was hawkeying them all the time from arm distance.
Today parents just say “Not in the deep pool” then the toddler leaves without floaters and mom starts playing with her phone 100 yards away from the kid.
When the kid returns they suddenly start parenting with anti-baterial stuff.
Evil, don’t care, plain stupid, something else? You tell me.
I’m glad summer is winding down now. Next season for my area is winter since we don’t get much fall weather anymore during the fall.