Spot the Difference and Win PowerBucks!

Like I said earlier there are 7 exact differences. Counting the drone as 1 is just wrong as there are 3 differences there in itself

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Only if it had listeners to take note, the difference numbers does not make much of a difference does it :wink:

Official count is 5 :neutral_face:

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Now the whole thing is getting more and more psychologic.

Keep calm and have fun, as I am the real winner with 12 differences.
I can proof that by German beer as a witness. :joy:

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we can settle the differences and agree with @Chiquinho who can proof read it with German beer :grin::joy:


Wise decision you made!


As you see the drone has circles around the drone blades, but the “original” didn’t have those.

As for hair length, not sure about that? … Ah now I’ve seen.

What made this bad was the 2 separate images, and the fact for most of the comp, the 2nd image was so bad.

What we need, and as usual it’s lacking.
Is @AnkerTechnical to not only say who won, but also, a picture of the two together with the differences marked and listed.

With the hair length, there were 7 (SEVEN) DIFFERENCES

Lot of discussions, I agree with most…of the comments, hard to see the differences in girl above #2

That’s what I said, there was 7 differences

You missed the candle at the back of the cake is a different colour. Look again.

Lol glaringly obvious now it’s been point out :see_no_evil:

I can see the difference in hair length too now.

I may have been wearing wrong glasses that day :sunglasses:

Congrats on winning! @star100x

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Congrats @star100x ! I only spotted 5, so good eye you got there!

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