Hey guys - decided to take work’s Nebula Mars II home for a little Halloween movies on my giant wall. I happen to have a huge light colored wall in my living room that is perfect for projectors.
Anyway, I noticed the terrible built in Netflix App didn’t do HD (seriously how is this even allowed on the Nebula??? It’s an HD projector!), so I decided to plug up my Roku to it instead.
However I noticed a significant 1 or 2 second lag in the audio which makes it not viewable of course.
I am sending to a bluetooth speaker (my sound bar plugged into a small BT receiver) however that’s not the issue as:
a.) When using the built in Netflix app + BT speaker the audio doesn’t lag at all.
b.) When using the built in speaker + Roku into HDMI the audio lags.
So it’s not the BT causing the lag. It’s the HDMI in.
Any idea how to fix this? Thanks!