Roav VIVA - Video & Review ... I LOVE THIS THING!


I have an update on using the VIVA without the app. This morning on my way to work I chose to ignore the instructions that say “Open your Road VIVA app and pay attention to the road.” I kept my phone locked the whole time and decided to just see what happens when I start to ask Alexa to do things. Low and behold, she worked just fine! My first test was to turn off the living room lights in my house. Boom, lights went off. Then I checked the weather. Brrr…11 degrees this morning! After that I played some music followed by resuming the audio novel I’m listening to. Everything worked perfectly and honestly seemed to work a little quicker since it wasn’t relying on being in sync with the app. I call that a major win in my book!


Thanks for the quick update. Just to be clear, did the phone still need to be present? Did it play music that was loaded on your phone and then route through your cars stereo? Can it control the car stereo independent of your phone? Sorry for all the questions and thanks :wink:

Do you connect your VIVA to car using bluetooth or other connection?

No worries with the questions! Ask away! If I don’t know something, I’ll try it out to see if I can get the answer. :slight_smile:

Yes it does. It uses the cellular service from the phone in order to work and allow Alexa to do her thing.

No. It streams music directly from the VIVA from your choice of Amazon Music, Pandora, Spotify, iHeart Radio, SiriusXM, or TuneIn. But, it does route all audio through your car stereo.

Unfortunately not, but you have full voice control of the VIVA just like the Echo and Genie home devices. You can say things like: “Alexa, play classic rock on Pandora.” “Alexa, play kids songs.” “Alexa, mute.” “Alexa, volume 10.” “Alexa, next song.” “Alexa, shuffle” “Alexa, play.” “Alexa, stop.” So it bypasses your stereo controls for its own, built-in controls.

When I was setting up the VIVA it connected to my phone via bluetooth. After it was connected, I had to then select my car’s bluetooth connection from my phone setup menu. From there it looked like it then connected audio to my car and the syphoned cellular data from my phone all via bluetooth. The audio quality is great! It’s crisp and clear.

Let me know if that helps answer your questions. :smiley:


One more thing. I’ve been trying to speak to it without pausing after saying “Alexa” like I do with the Echo Show and Echo Dots I have at home. All morning on my drive to work I said my Alexa commands without pausing and she responded accurately each time. When I had music playing, I did have to ask a second time in a louder volume in order for her to hear me. If the music is too loud and she can’t hear you, just press the mic button on top of the VIVA and it’ll activate Alexa’s ears.

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Suuuuuper nice review!


Great review! I wonder, have you tried using the Alexa/Amazon app by itself, without the Viva? I haven’t myself, but it seems like it should allow most of the same functionality. The only thing I’m not sure about it is if it supports waking with the Alexa keyword. Myself, I just use Google Assistant when I’m in the car, which requires no additional hardware and can be set up to wake on keyword, but I think that only really works with Android phones which have it baked in.


I have used Alexa app while driving, but it doesn’t function like that. The Amazon Music app has brought back Alexa functionality to the app. It’s not a full Alexa and there are a few hangups with it. It’ll play your Amazon Music, add groceries, as well as several other Amazon stock functions. The real difference between using a “lite” version of Alexa that the Amazon Music app has compared to devices like the Genie and VIVA is that you get just about a full blown Alexa device in the Genie/VIVA. Since the VIVA just turns on when you start the car and automatically connects, there aren’t any extra steps you need to take to get it started and the voice commands work flawlessly as far as I’ve experienced.

Nice! After reading your review and see some real world uses, I want one. Its on my Anker Wish List.


Roav Viva can work with Android system.

I know my question is if it works better. like you don’t have to open the app because it is working in the background.

I’m not sure if it actually ran quicker without the app open, but I used it yesterday without launching the app and it worked great! In some instances it seemed to work slightly quicker, but it all really seems to just come down to the cell connection.

great review!! well done !! :v:

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@AnkerOfficial/@AnkerSupport: Is it safe to update to the latest iOS now or will the update still cause issues with the VIVA connecting to the iPhone?

Good job…very nice review with equally nice pictures of the device! :thumbsup:

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They said as long as you update the firmware on the Roav you can update your phone and there shouldn’t be any issues

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I read that too, but I just wanted to make sure before updating my phone. Honestly, I’m ready to throw my iPhone out the window and I’m afraid to update it anymore in fear it’ll slow down even more than already is.

The firmware update was the very first thing I did. It took close to 20 minutes to update too. The device runs smoothly though! :slight_smile:

Thanks so much! I’m having a blast using it and I’ve trying to add updates when I come across something new or different.

As far as iOS updates, I’m one to stay with what works and doesn’t break anything. Security “risks” be damned…I don’t use anything like banking apps or similar. Even though my “old” iPhone 5s is able to run the latest and greatest iOS version, I’m keeping it as it is on iOS 9.3.5. Nothing is broken and performance is just as it was for all the years that I’ve owned it.

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Really great review @TheCharneco, this sounds a great device :smiley: Hopefully I will buy soon to complement all the Dots I have at home! Doh, I just realised it’s not available yet in the UK…

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