PowerDrive III Duo Review

I remember having a reel of copper like that left over from a electrical job i did. Owner didnt want it back and i couldnt return it, so i stripped it and sold it for the copper value. At the time copper was at a high point so i got almost a grand for it…which was actually more than we had paid for the reel.


One of our clients produce cables that run long distance undersea and over land.
They make a never ending cable by manufacturing on site as they go.
One of the most impressive manufacturing processes I’ve ever seen was a video of them producing cable off the back of a ship while at sea.


This is the reason often those whole big cable reels are stolen.
Of course with the cable!

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I have about 4 cables now with USB-C to USB-C… So will use only those, no more collections for me :grin:

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Another stellar review and photos Paul. :clap:t2::clap:t2:

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Hey @Macgyver15 thanks mate :+1:t2:

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Where I live some will try to steal it while connected to live wire. @Tank, where I grew up at , I knew some who would take that spool from that copper wire and roll it on our bridge and burn it. All to get a day off on Halloween. Lol