Plenty of Brilliant Anker Deals! - Amazon US

26800 deal now active :+1:

thanks for posting!!

Where did you find this list of deals originally? Or did you just compile the list by looking around on amazon. I ask so I can check for updated sales on my own and not need your post. :grin:

Here is a link to many deals on Amazon. You have to sort through them.

The codes are also on sources such as 9 to 5 Mac.

Nice! Thanks @joshuad11. Really helps me out for the future. :grinning:

great list @joshuad11

Any idea if the 26800+ PD will be in discount??

I know you keep asking this in numerous sub topics but itโ€™s best to ask once and or message anker marketing and ask them directly

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Oh i can contact them? i will try that then! would be best

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Good ! Thanks :slight_smile:

PowerCore Fusion now on sale, too.

Also, are the codes for the SoundSync Drive or SoundCore Sport working for anyone?

PowerDrive Elite 2 with micro USB is on sale for $10 for about 20 more minutes.

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Yes I have found few Anker deals here also

Seems mostly older products to clear for newer?

Todayโ€™s amazon deal

Cool deals