Naming Contest | Nickname Your Anker Things

Not even joking, my robovac was always called by my partners name plus 2.0 because I think its hilarious when I have friends over and Alexa says Diana 2.0 starting cleaning session

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Awesome giveaway! :ok_hand: Good luck to everyone that enters. :crossed_fingers:t2:

This is most hilarious… And surprising you still survived :rofl::rofl:

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I have Mabel the cable!

That’s genius :+1:

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I call my old trusty powerbank ‘Orangina’ because you have to shake it to wake it up and start charging.



You literally shake it to turn it on? That’s kinda cool actually.

Yup. At first it was pretty cool and more fun than pressing a button. But notSo much fun when it’s buried at the bottom of your rucksack on a train and you have to shake your entire bag to get your phone to start charging.

My sound core boost is my “Boom Box”

Mine are lamely named Mom’s Left and Mom’s Right since I’m not always on both


I call my projector “Edward”

Oh ya, remember this when I was a baby! :rofl::rofl:

I love Anker products and have bought so many different items over the years, but the only one that seems to have a 'Nickname" is my Anker SoundCore Nano.

This little bluetooth speaker is literally about an inch square in size, but the sound that comes out of it …WOW! It’s so good that once I had bought one, I had bought more as spares and given several away to friends impressed with it’s performance.

The sound is so good that, round at ours, it is known as “(The) Wee Party Box”.

Whether we are packing the suitcase to go on holiday, going out for a picnic or simply out for the day, someone says “Throw the Wee Party Box in the bag!!”.

As for the use of the word “Wee”, as in “Small”. Yes, we do live in Scotland.

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I too have Nano… gem of a product, and my favorite (next to Powerconf) and been my buddy for lot of conference calls :slight_smile:


This is “Elfy”. We call him Elfy because he is the little elf that cleans up when we’re not looking.

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My original review post was the naming of my eufy robovac…George. The whole family calls him George and we love the hard work and commitment he has shown in keeping our floors clean!!

This is Mr. Roboto :rofl: He has many other Anker friends!

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Bumpy McBumpface

I named my Anker Ear Buds “Buddies” because, well, they are always with me and they are pretty high quality.

Meet “Liar McLiar face”
