I absolutely love Anker.
I started with a different product and it failed straight away, had trouble with support and switched to Anker. I have never regretted that choice.
Here I sit with multiple Anker products and love showing them off when someone asks about one or the other.
My name is Dirk Harris and I live in Tucson Arizona. I will always be happy to advertise for Anker.
My -only- problem I have ever had with Anker is sometimes logging into a page. I use a first gen iPad mini and for some reason when I enter my email and password using the auto fill of Chrome, it continues to tell me to enter my email address. However I assume it has more to do with the combination of my hardware/software and the implementation of the server side check than anything major. So once in awhile I have to do the Facebook login. Eh? No issue there.
Thank you to Anker for always responding to queries and requests. You gained a payload customer long ago.