Liberty Air make CNN List of best wireless earbuds

I was flipping through some news and came across this and was happy to see that Anker make the cut.
Here is the article is you want to look.
I was so happy that they said that the liberty air “hits a sweet spot with price and design”
Go Anker!


Am I the only one that gets annoyed by this? Someone (I don’t know who) gave this post a like, without even reading the article! For all they knew, this link was clickbate!

Thanks for sharing the article!

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They might have right clicked and done a copy/paste of the link in a new window or tab…

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Hey, I just read the complete article. Sometimes it doesn’t update the counter instantly, or you might be right, somebody just gave it a like without even going to the link to see what it was.
Edit: And oh ya, I didn’t even click on like until I was done reading it, so those 3 is not including mine

Nice article by the way and thanks for sharing @ktkundy

It’s possible, but not likely. You remember the test I did on that one review… that proves that people do stuff like this…

Yes, that’s how I do it, I don’t want my original window to be loading that link and I have to go back to the post to like it.

I know there are some other threads that are like this where the number gap is even larger where they have a bunch of likes but the link only shows is been clicked a few times. Some people right click it and other don’t seem to care I guess. Either way hope y’all enjoyed the article

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Thank’s for sharing!!

Or they may have read it before seeing it here. There have been a few time, I’ve read an article that I found in my social media feed or from my account before I see it on here. If I’ve read it there’s no need to read it again. So I just like it.

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Nice article!
great for Anker!!! :ok_hand:

You plonker!

In the screenshot, you show 2 have clicked the link with 3 likes… Did you click the link? Prob didn’t need to, you read it before posting.

You plus 2 other.likes is 3… DOH

:roll_eyes: I read the article

From what I’ve seen in the past, the link counter is not 100% accurate.


Good article. Good to see Anker coming on a lot of articles

thanks for sharing. Yay Anker!