Land a Lucky Number | Are You Destined to Win a 3 Year Anniversary Prize?

$100 worth Mystery gift

I don’t even know. I have around 30-35 if I counted correctly.

Last year it was $150 (you pick 3 items)

But I have been known to count wrong lol

good thing they kept numbers secret

great stuff

Close to 2k

Yeah that was for the chinese new year one

I guess that was 2 yr anni

Wish the numbers were a complete secret… would be much more suspenseful. Then again, there would be less strategy and math…

The actual fun would have been @AnkerOfficial actually disclosing the numbers and that too a big range of numbers…

I bet - this would go more than 10K

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Oh man, that would be epic. 10/10 would love that

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Here are some magic numbers. :rofl:



:ok_hand: now that is the kind of clues for a lucky number contest :blush:

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This thread went crazy


May be for next contest, the numbers could be given in advance and then tweak the rules … what say.:wink:


  1. You may not post more than 3 times in a row.
  2. You may not post more than 50 posts in 24hours.
  3. Your comments, once posted, may not be deleted.
  4. This event runs from Date TimeBTo Date Time
  5. The mystery winning numbers are below

  1. winning prizes are :medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports::medal_sports:
  2. The winners will be announced on the Anker Community on Month Date Time.
  3. Allowed Countries only.
  4. Anker reserves the right of final explanation.
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might as well peddle my channel some more as we get closer check it out:

