Land a Lucky Number | Are You Destined to Win a 3 Year Anniversary Prize?

I got another 4 chances. YES!

I missed it :sob:

Come on @TechMan are you snoozing

What are you guys doing

Sleeping. :sleeping:


How was the day so far? My throat is getting better

Hope @AnkerOfficial doesn’t us for many.posts

Lol yeah I was snoozing

I’m getting bored of this

And I had to deal with something lol

Nah, it’s how the Chinese new year one was last year. For the entire time it was crazy. I’m on 2 hours of sleep right now and will be in the same boat again tonight with one kid getting over being sick, a wife who is going to the office at 6 am to finish up some stuff and a 9 month old who is hella sick. So I can do it here and there all night, but sporadic lol

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Me now giphy%20(16)

Who cares if AnkerOfficial hates us, as long as we win lol

It’s still early :joy:

We haven’t hit the triple digits yet…


Will be going for a break, movie… hope you guys don’t skid through with all the slots

What’s the time for you right now?

We will be at like 5000 when you get back :joy:

We need to get more people involved… will be fun… sometime in the afternoon it was going haywire :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I need to have the most comments… I’m not very close yet lol