Land a Lucky Number | Are You Destined to Win a 3 Year Anniversary Prize?

Lol you would :rofl:

Oh happy day

Yeah baby her we gooooo

Great going…

Need few more



You guys need a life

Did you not read the post?

I’m so behind… busy day at work. I’m just gonna comment like every other post from now on lol.

Edit: ugh I hit the wrong reply button. Was supposed to reply to @ndalby

I need to get a post on a number with a 3…

Maybe in a few minutes

Hello Techman :wave:

I’ll keep this going

Because we need to

Or else everyone waits on every one to do it

Oh come on. You stole my comment spot.

Hello guys … nice to see some action


It wasn’t one of the potential ones lol. Next are 530-539

Waiting for it… 50+ more posts to go

Pls give me a chance folks :joy:.

We need to get these posts iN