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Now give him “the look”

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:joy: you lucky person you. Congrats!

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He has that grin on his face, funny but I have the same grin :sweat_smile: Good night everyone!


Thanks, wish you luck

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Do you have a college football player brother and greedy picky ass little brother?


You’re message 200. Congrats.

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Yeah i didnt mean it like I was annoyed it may have came off that way. Just curious as to know how healthcare works there. I dont blame Canada, get their residents out of dodge asap before they pay more for their care here than back in Canada. :joy: a medivac flight here costs around 60K absutely absurd.

Nope, just luck :grin:

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Thank’s, wish you luck in getting 250

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We are already at 216, we’ll be there soon :yum:

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USA doesn’t have healthcare. They have a for-profit overly medicated litigious complicated system which costs double the % GDP or other countries for 9 years lower life expectancy, and yet due to lobbyists and biased media it still ends up staying as is.

But apart from that its fine :yum:

UK is having an important vote today.

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Now what if Anker doesn’t count their post as #1 lol that would SUUUUCK :expressionless:

i really wanted to win but congratulation on winning Musical770

please let me win :wink:

Aint that the damn truth… :angry:

Thats like asking a pair of hungry wolves to spare your fluffy bunny… :imp:

What is that important vote today?

No worries my friend, it’s all good. Yes the insurance companies would pay the same fees as I would so it states in my policy that I have to agree to be brought back to Canadian soil asap for treatment. Years back, I used to play in a hockey tournament in Vegas once a year and twice a teammate ended up in the hospital. Insurance was mandatory to sign up for the tourney.

Ahh well what I want to know is if we keep posting and crash their site if they’ll randomly resequence everyone then attempt to state it was all fair. Anker, you know you did that once, so be honest.

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Im not complaining I won that day… :joy: