Introducing DashCam Duo | 20% Launch Discount

Cool but I don’t need a dash cam :weary:

The link works now!

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I ordered my dash cam duo today and I’m looking forward to having a commute partner for the crazy drivers I encounter everyday in Northern California.

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Well this is pretty awesome… Not to get it by the spouse :slight_smile:

As I know they are allowed,mostly they use dual cams.this one will be good for uber.

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It’s cool. Still more expensive than I’m wanting right now but I also would want to know if the rear-facing camera is sufficient to capture action going on behind the car vs. a camera mounted in the rear window.

On an unrelated note, my dad didn’t take my advice to buy a Roav A1 and instead went with a Nexar cam that doesn’t have an integral screen and beeps like a maniac when it can’t stay connected to his phone. After three days of riding around with that BEEP - BEEP - BEEP, and him asking what I thought he should do, I said “well, you didn’t get the one I told you to, so I’d just unplug this and send it back.” LOL He didn’t care much for that.

Its education!
I would do what my son and daughter are telling me to do, when I know they know better.
I got educated by them. :joy:

Depending how your car is and where you place this you ma ugh or may not be able to capture anything out of the rear window. It’s more of an interior camera than anything else. When I tested this I did use the suction mount and put it on my rear view. Mirror to capture video out the back window, it was decent but way too much movement being attached to the mirror than had it been attached to the windshield. Video was really shaky and hard to see at night, so I wouldn’t recommend it for that. This is mainly for drivers of uber or Lyft and what not who have a need to record the interior of their car

I’d have thought any detail it captures out the rear window, would be random and probably unclear.

I doubt the focal length of the rear facing camera would be enough to capture clearly past the 1st back row/rear seats.

I doubt in a sedan/saloon car, there’d be enough clear screen, and a hatchback/estate may have a screen big enough but would be too far back.

The PRIMARY reason for the rear facing camera is to record the drivers actions, and possibly that of the passengers.

Watching the kids behavior at the rear seats!

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:thumbsup: thats what I do with the videos, save some of them for memory, with both my kids on backseat

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And you can use the videos to show them there was happening some bad behaviour.
(piece of evidence :joy:)


How crazy they are!

To recording family road trip happy moment!

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Do you have kids?
If so, are your road trips with small children happy ones?

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Only $84.49 with clippable coupon and code DASHDUO2


Lol where did the josh’s reviews go? @Insider

WOOOW less then roav s1 :sunglasses:

On Check Out So COOOOOLL!!!