Happy Easter Everyone

But bear in mind the standard of living (income divided by cost of living) is about 1/3rd higher in USA.

The trick I use is my meager 15 days / year is I fly in to visit UK around time of one of the USA holidays and make a couple of long weekends out of it, last year I visited UK around USA President’s Day (using that day to fly out of UK), around Independence Day (on that day I was in Lake District) and around Labor Day when I was in Yorkshire Dales camping. Last trip I was almost going to head into your Wales but weather fought be back and went to Oxford instead.

If you plan far ahead the cost of flying is $350 - $200 so when you add higher USA salaries it makes sense, until retirement age.

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What a beautiful life I have being retired.
No need counting days of vacations.
And saving money as we don’t need to take these
when school’s holidays are and all prices for tickets are going up usually.

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Happy Easter everyone. :slight_smile:

Happy easter!

Christmas is the opposite of a Jewish holiday…

Christmas is the celebration of the birth of Christ (hence the name). Jewish people are completely against Jesus, and always have been. If Jewish people endorsed/worshipped him, and his teachings, they would be Christians.

Christmas is a Christian holiday through and through.

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I meant that Happy Hanukkah tends to be a common phrase in USA around the “holiday season”.

Yes I know these differently sourced cultural traditions follow at slightly different times for major different reasons but often “happy holidays” is “happy Hanukkah” as a way to effectively say “enjoy the time with your family / loved ones” around the same time of year. It’s a common phrase I hear in US eastcoast.

Out here in California, tech community, strong Indian presence, the Diwali celebration of the myth of light over darkness is more obviously celebrated than the Jewish holiday, much more apparent music / food / family.

Historically the most factual of these is the Jewish one as its based in historic facts of a known event, the sacking of the Jewish temple in 2nd century. However, the government having a common national holiday, where more people have a little extra freedom to travel and be together, is a social good. Easter is similar benefit in UK.

I reckon the Australians have it perfect, they have the state-mandated national holiday in summer time when more options exist to be off work, than the northern hemisphere where Xmas tradition is effective a hijacking of pagan winter solstice traditions, as the Romans affected Europe’s traditions significant around the 3rd-4th centuries. Odd how history bleeds into the present. :slight_smile:

By the way, in UK, they are having a very good Bank Holiday weekend.

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Think today is the right day to wish you all

Happy Easter, Frohe Ostern, Feliz Pascua, Feliz Páscoa, Joyeuses Pâques.


Happy Easter to everyone! Hope you have a great holiday!

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Yes we have indeed.

Nice country, friendly people everywhere and fantastic food and wine.

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Happy Easter everybody.
For your info, Good Friday is a statutory holiday in Canada but not the Easter Monday.

Went out today to the harbour side and clamped our “love lock” on it…

Then off to Spooner’s for a breakfast.

Now early evening, we will have roast beef and York’s, n home roasties.

Hope you all have a great day


I am preparing this “lapin” now.
Hope there are not too many vegetarians and vegans here.

But what the US friends writing here,
they love HOT…uiuiu, chickenwings.

I will add some PiriPiri to the sauce.:laughing:

Suppose they would eat these like candies.

Happy Easter everyone!!!

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Felices pascuas!!!/ Happy Easter :hatching_chick:!!!

Happy Easter everyone.

Might have to go buy myself an Easter egg today (as they are discounted and not a rip off)

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Happy Easter everyone
I visited an Alpaca farm and spent time with these guys :slight_smile:

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Just like our Molly, today is a nice relaxing day, and so long as the neighbour upstairs doesn’t play her music, I foresee an afternoon snooze :wink::sleeping::sleeping:

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Nice way to end a busy day. Feet up, pint of tea, Easter egg and some Line of Duty - finally got around to watching it and first season was really good :+1:t2:

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Back from France.
All fine.
I liked it.

Just putting it out there but after eater candy sales start today just bought a bunch of nice chocolate bunnies for 50% off

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