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Sounds like you code like I do… comments are coders best friend… :smirk:

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I spend three hours trying to debug the other night and like always solve one problem creates a billion more :rofl:


For sure lol. If I know I have to take a break from coding, I just write down what i was thinking and come back. Easier to hit it running


Sounds a lot like me :joy:. I remember early days in C. Just a bunch of seg faults


At least you are working with your own code?



in my microcontrollers class we were trying to fix the code just to find out the switch on the board was being annoying and didn’t always register as on


Ooof that’s sneaky.

Almost as sneaky as…


Very sneaky…


Lol my friend screwed up a breadboard trying to fix his thing :joy:. This is before we started the coding part but we were creating some stuff I don’t remember now. Smoke started coming off and freaked the TA a little :joy:. Thankfully she knew us so it wasn’t as bad lmao

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I had a circuits class where my friend fried a capacitor and they smell horrible when they burn its a very distinct smell and not a good one and they also smoke it was so bad but also a little funny


A smell you can’t get out of your nose is the worst…

Lol fires abound… funny

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Almost at the next one… then I be out… 5am comes awful early… lol

when does this end??

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Tomorrow night…

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Says 25th but no time


Could be like the song that never ends… or like the three week PB auction… lol

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Oh man. I used to wake up 5:30 and yea it’s not fun. Been a long time since I woke up that early lol

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Round. And round we go