Good morning

Truman made it famous for sure…

Oh god no.

It was well famous well before they even thought about the film.

The film was … A fifties setting, so a lot of what was said and the speech paterns, were based from speech styles from then.

The 50s? I thought it was set in the 70s or 80s

I beleive it was supposed to take place in the 90’s. I think macblank is wrong in what he said, but I decided to stop arguing about it. It doesn’t really matter :man_shrugging::grin::wink::sunglasses:

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I think we can all agree that it is a great movie and Jim Carrey is a great actor

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Thinking back, I think that’s the only movie I’ve seen with him in it… he did well at that part though :man_shrugging:

What? Really? You are telling me you have never seen Dumb and Dumber? Or Bruce Almighty? Or Ace Ventura? Man you need a few days off work and watch all those funny movies lol :joy:

Anyone who has not seen The Matrix, Bicentennial Man, and Notting Hill, is not worth it.

Dark, and light. It is humanity.

I’m not arguing, I was discussing… Very big difference.

Just watched the trailer again on IMDb and were BOTH RIGHT! lol
In that it’s in aodern world, but very much in a 50/60 mind set (in my poor opinion) the talking, and set up, is like it’s 50s, but the car n clothes are 90s… Which is why I thought it was that era.

We’ve all known places that look modern but really really backward in their approach, and always surprised by how old fashioned it is… Not explaining well

As for the expression, well that’s well old, but of course millennials wouldn’t remember that far back! I grew up with that expression, and I was born in 1969.

A classic from my uncle Bob (my foster parent when I was 14 (1983/4)) if you’re ever passing, carry on!
He was full of little idyoms like that… He also made the best porridge ever and as for his personal tea blend (which no one seems to remember what it was) was the best. lol

Nope. Haven’t seen any of em :disappointed:

By the way… Good Morning!

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Good afternoon from Molly

Good morning guys. I hope you guys have a good day!! :sunglasses:

Good morning! And in case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight!

bonsoir, as they say here.

I’ve watched the Matrix and Bicentennial Man but never heard of the Notting Hill :sweat_smile:

I shod be saying, goodnight :earth_africa::night_with_stars::sparkles::sleeping_bed::sleeping::sleeping::sleeping:

Instead I’m still on here, despite needing to be up at 6:30am

Now it’s goodnight and good morning, at the same time! lol