Get rid of PowerDraw, Testing Club and Power User Tabs

There’s a reason to close this forum that it is a venting frustrated consumer public searched place if they are not going to invest in staff to monitor and help.

So logically they either invest here or close.


Well in case they decide to shut down this forum without giving us a heads up lol



Same is on fakebook, seems they are closing too when one takes a look at their share’s performance! :rofl:


It’s possibly being decided by the job market more than Anker. Anker posted vacancies for posts in community and social media. If you were someone trying to grow their career a CV mentioning how you grew SM is probably more portable skill than community.

It is specific skills to know how to do something in Tiktok Vs Twitter Vs other main SM platforms. Livestream skills are very platform specific.

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Fakebutt was premised on advertising revenue so other platforms steal your users you lose revenue. If you’ve ever tried to use FB it was really an echo chamber with ads. Similar issues are in their competitors future.

There is a role for community but has to be invested.


We know that, but do the “others” know. :wink:


Sure, social media, PR, and influencers are huge in this type of market. I’m more concerned about verifying the quality of the products and putting the products through the paces. I rarely watch reviews from professional reviewers and influencers; I’d much rather have that personal blog post, amazon review, or shaky cam video because it typically shows real world benefits, problems, and different use cases.


Have you ever seen a professional influencer one can really trust in?
A big market, big money, what else.
But those who want to believe in should do.
Its like religion, politics, shares etc. :laughing:


I agree fully, community is useful for unvarnished honesty.

I never use SM for reviews. “Influencers” I am thinking.



They still do beta testing for the community, but nothing as of recent outside of Anker Work products that I am aware of. Probably wrong with that, but the last one I knew of was for it.


I agree with you. Influencers just focus on cool shots, good lightning and selling their merch :rofl:


Couldn’t agree more @thebassline


I’ve tested over 70 of Anker products (unreleased and released) and never did it for glamour or views or to make myself an influencer.
I did it purely to test the product and review it based on my training and experience.
Anker saw value in me then but don’t see any value now since I have 0 social presence.
Well… that is their loss not mine.


Well, in fairness it is a little bit your (our) loss.

But certainly well within their rights to change.


You are not alone.
I did some testing and wrote reviews.
But I “wrote”!
May be the majority is no more able to read and understand what is written. :laughing:
Just watch and believe.

Our social presence is here and not on fakebook. :rofl:

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I can read faster than I can watch which is faster then people can speak. I prefer written and photos. Most videos I play faster.

There’s more activity on Anker products on Reddit as there’s discussion of future products which can cause issues here.

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For me “we” here are a “dying breed”.
When I take a look at the TV-programs etc. here in Germany.
I know we will be totally lost pretty soon! :no_mouth:

I dont know if the community is dying or if its just part of the growing pains of anker expanding and it will come back once they have a person to take over as admin. I am hoping the later because I really like the community on here

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Pei was the last one here was in contact with.
But who is it now?
May be Neil knows.
He should know. :smiley:

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I hope a new one comes because they had posted a job a while ago and I really hope it gets filled.
This community is so enjoyable and really is a one of a kind place that I would hate to see it go away.
Hope all is well by you

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