You wouldn’t be “lucky” with me beside, listening some “loud stuff” in the sub or at public places,
Always remember people have different tastes regarding music.
And to annoy other with “your music” is more than ignorant!
You should have in mind that some people do not dare to ask you to put your noisy music down.
Favourite way to listen?
Wireless or wired?
I’m so glad the days of untangling a ball of earphones 5 minutes after putting them down, that used to boil my blood
Godforbid you put 2 pairs of earphones in the same pocket
403 error, after all the typing I did it wouldn’t let me reply to you If this one posts i’m going to be annoyed.
When I’m alone at home I prefer the speakers, but when I go out to do outdoor exercises, I prefer to use the Zolo Liberty +
Over-ear headphones
Never on public transport, i’m not a monster But at the riverside or on the beach etc I have no problem with playing music out loud…Sometimes, though, ignorance is bliss! I wouldn’t intimidate a stranger with music and tend to keep it PG In highly populated areas. The majority of people i’ve encountered have appreciated the music, it’s a fair few who’ve complained and they’ve mostly been stuck up looking snobs who probably only ever listen to classical music. Not that i’m against listening to only classical music but I can’t stand a snob
OK, so I am a real snob, listening to classical music.
But may be we both should going for an introduction and lets listen to Beethoven, Mozart and Schubert together.
When I was young I was playing in a band.
In the era of Doors, Stones, Beatles eg.
But taste changes. You will see.
Aw man. Hope you have the chance to type it again!
Listening to classical music wouldn’t make you a snob, but completely disregarding all other genres because you don’t like them would be close enough
I’ve listened to (probably the more mainstream) Beethoven, Tchaikovsky, Mozart, Bach etc but it has faded over the years…I think I mentioned above that I occasionally listen to Luciano Pavarotti/The Three Tenors, Frank Sinatra/Rat Pack etc. (Again rather mainstream but I’m 23 living in the city it’s not all my fault ), which would never have existed without Classical music, so I can’t dismiss it!
Some modern music annoys me tbh so I do see where you’re coming from!
During model building I can listen only to classical music. All other kind of music would disturb me.
What I can not understand: sometimes cars pass me (as pedestrian) by - and I hear only ksss—ksss—ksss— and I feel bumps in my stomach, and the number plate is snaring …What kind of noise will be in such car - and how can the driver concentrate on driving ?
I agree with OTE in public as it deters people from approaching you either on public transport or when you’re shopping etc (I find it hard enough getting out in the daytime, when I do I just want to be left alone ), but I find In-ear to be more irritating when listening for long periods, especially wired earphones getting caught on everything or falling out when i’m walking/cycling.
Bluetooth speakers are perfect especially when in company, especially considering how portable they are…This is my baby:
I’ve been through so many aux and bluetooth speakers from £200 - £5 and this one has not only been my favourite, but has been my longest lasting and most used. She’s been to parties in the woods, on the riverside, on the beach, in caravans, used as a car stereo, fallen in the fire, been absolutely drenched when beers split in my bag or we’ve trekked in pouring rain and even lost in the woods for 3 days when it snowed. Not even slightly distorted, battery life is still insanely good and the only problem is now the jack is slightly loose from charging on the go. When she eventually dies I might even get the same model again tbh…As for concerts, I can’t bring myself to go to one…The crowds put me off, I guess if it’s a Cello player you wouldn’t have people screaming in your ear, jumping around and throwing up on you, but I find it so much more peaceful kicking back and blasting it out on the headphones!
It let me post it this time, I must have mentioned a flagged brand or something in my last response
Understand they aren’t a snob, they are just wondering if you’re ill, or you hurting a small animal, or in a fight. Much of modern music sounds like two people having a fight or a cat being squeezed. Or with the bass too high if it is train coming at them. Music is subjective and to some ears sounds like something not music but much different. What the “snob” is doing is checking you’re sane, non-violent, etc.
I am an old styled man.
But I never do ignore such “modern music”.
NEVER, why should I
I mentioned I was in a band from 1965-1972.
So I suppose I know a lot about “modern music”.
May be this is not the “modern music” of today!
As you are 23 and I am 68 it is really great we talk about music!
I love it.
@furkist that jukebox is an absolute thing of beauty! I’d definitely be playing Chuck Berry’s Johnny B. Goode on that bad boy.
Personally myself I prefer listening on Bluetooth speakers especially the original SoundCore and my Boost.
Sadly the rest of my family doesn’t appreciate the type of rock music that I like listening to as they frequently refer to it as that “horrible racket”
Sorry two times
First: I dont have this single (but I like it !!! We covered this song in our band !), only on 33 LP
Second: I have only a camera without sound record ,
Otherwise be sure I would send you a video with sound.
By the way: my favourite (at the moment) is Otis Redding : Papa s got a brand new bag.
I understand why they’d be worried if i’m listening to Slipknot or HeavenShallBurn, but J Hus, Mostack, Mist, Frankie, Jimmy Davis jr, James Brown etc aren’t screaming (Well James Brown does but they should at least be familiar with him if not the others, and he screams with soul rather than with his feet in a bucket of barbed wire & vinegar)
And my 90’s club anthem mixes shouldn’t bother them too much as they would have had some experience with them unless they were raised in a church tower…All music is art, whether they like it or not they should accept that others do, provided i’m not leaning in their front room window blaring it out while they’re trying to watch Eastenders
If they’re checking i’m sane they’re going to be disappointed, I sold my sanity to the devil for a packet of Hobnobs, but i’m completely non-violent unless they’re pointing a knife at me
edit: Just realised If you’re not from the UK you’re not going to understand half of what I just said
Can ken ya perfick me ole pucker
Well, ndalby, the juke box is in original condition - with one little upgrade: I put a new pick up into the tone arm. Sure - magnetic pickup, It needs a small preamp, which I added also. Solid state one. So I did not change the original amplifier, which is pure valve. It plays the original 45 vinyl singles ! In case someone should have some left - feel free to send them to me, postage will be refunded…
As I found it - some 40 years ago - it smelled like a chain smoker - do you say so ? It was standing in a pub. The silver metal front cover of the loudspeakers was not silver, but gold ! From yellow nicotine ! So I had to clean a lot…
Gross! Don’t even joke about that