Exclusive Giveaway for Roav Subscribers!

With an average of 3200 deaths per day (globally) from traffic accidents I think I’ll take my chances, I always double look at intersections and never drive over 60 MPH mainly for fuel conservation but also its just a safe speed overall and gives you more time to react if “all hell breaks loose” as depicted below, not all deaths are related to human error, mother nature is fickle minded and plays a huge role in some traffic accidents. Wearing/not wearing seatbelts is also another factor, hence why this gentlemen was ejected upon impact… :joy:

Most car journeys are short.

Most fatalities are caused by cars, on the drivers themselves and everyone else nearby. So less cars = less deaths in totality for everyone including the driver who ceases using the car.

So you are the problem yourself if you are not the solution of deciding to bike / walk or even if you car pool as each less car on the road is one less lethal object. Basically every driver who has an alternative is complicit in manslaughter. Those who not have an alternative have less chance of hurting others as the cars are further apart.

Roav, the primary problem is they allow the owner to delete the evidence they were the cause of the accident and not delete when it was someone else’s fault, so it is a big fat:

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I am a subscriber :grin:

Many road trips, MANY stories.

Patiently waiting hope I get selected, fingers crossed.

can’t wait few more days good luck to all that sign up

:cry: I didn’t win, congrats to those who did

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Can’t believe I won, hope it arrives before my FL trip for thanksgiving. Congrats to those who also won too!


Congrats :tada::champagne::balloon:

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congrat to all of the lucky winners

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Congrats to the winners!

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Just got mine this morning! Shipping was very quick and I’m really surprised at the cute small packaging!
Plus it comes with its own double portable charger from Anker too! I’m happy about that cause my older brother “borrowed” mine when he went back to Collage.


Nice foggy glasses :smile:


Opening that up got you a bit excited looking at your glasses


That’s my younger brother, he just came home from school and it’s 41 degs out there. Same happened to me when I grabbed the mail though!

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I don’t think he appreciates them though! He gets to take his glasses off cause he could still see, when I do it though I’m as blind as a bat in the morning!

Haha I always blind when I take my glasses off. I take nearsightedness to the extreme like inches from my eyes otherwise everything is blurry

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My wife’s eyes are so bad she asked me to read the subtitles cause she can’t see that far without her glasses

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I’m surprised this post is still a banner post. O.o

@AnkerOfficial Just wanted to let you know this is still showing up on the Roav site and shows under promotions still, but if you scroll down it shows it ended November 2.