Eufycam/Homebase range extender wish list

Eufycam and eufy Homebase are out with mixed reviews and people mostly complaining about the setup process and low signal strength. Anker has set about to solve these problems with a range extender said to come out in the first quarter of 2019 and firmware updates.

I would like to start a dialogue about your suggestions and ideas for the range extender and firmware updates and features that you would like to see for example Alexa compatibility.

A few of my ideas were

  1. Homebase signal strength indicator on extender
  2. Removable antenna so I can use my own high Gain antennas
  3. Battery backup

@Garden_Dwarf thought it would be useful if it was weatherproof and I agree


Thanks for this. Indeed, be able to propagate the signal outside is mandatory for me :wink:

I would add also an option to connect the base&camera to the home wifi (dedicated proofed protocol if necessary) to the wish list for the firmware upgrade.

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Home Wi-Fi as an option instead, please! I already have my home blanketed with 3 unifi AP’s on 2.4GHz channels 1, 6 and 11 - so an additional network does nothing but conflict with that and create interference. A range extender won’t fix this.