Dual Port 12W Wall Charger with Foldable Plug

I try to stay away from Apple products lol. But hey, to each their own :+1:

I’m ashamed of you :wink:

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I also try to get away from the apple products but I have to admit that they were good products, Apple took out its adapter for its first iphone and still includes it. Apple has not innovated much look at the iPhone XR with a screen of such low resolution.

I’m a Samsung fanboy :sunglasses:

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Yea i do gotta admit they make good products

I was thinking about switching to Samsung because it has very good commercials but I have never tested its cell phones😔

I believe that Apple is the opposite of Samsung, Apple started strong with innovative products but now began to take terrible products and Samsung took very bad products but is currently getting the best.

Are you aware that the Human eye can not see a higher resolution than 326ppi ( the XRs resolution) from a regular viewing distance. The Samsung galaxy s9 has 570ppi. That is a waste of money on the buyers part because you can’t tell a difference between the resolution of the XR and the s9. I own the XR and I have had several “die-hard” Samsung fans say my screen was surprisingly beautiful. Sorry if this sounds hostile because it’s not meant to be.

I disagree. Apple procucts are beautiful and work amazingly. Also Apple has the best customer service of any company. Apple has the only phone with a dedicated Face ID system powerful enough to use Apple Pay. And they even have this in there “budget” phone! I don’t see how Apple products have gotten bad.

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I do not know but the human eye can not see the difference of 60hz or 120hz but when you use 120hz you can see everything much more sueve and anyway the iphone XR does not have 3D touch, you had the 8 plus and the XR and the XR is much more inferior, I also noticed that the iPhone 8 Plus that I have is not heated and the XR does.

I have used the iPhone XR and iPhone 8+. I much (much) prefer the XR. 3D Touch is virtually useless and cost a lot of money to incorporate. I have no idea why your taking about hertz and screens. Idk what your taking about with that.

You said economic! You can buy a good phone with $ 500, there is no difference between iphone 8 plus and 7 plus, they simply put a glass on the bottom and now weighs almost double and to change it you have to pay as $ 200

You say there is not much difference in screen resolution, I was giving you an example, there may not be much difference but there is.

The 3D Touch is not useless, for me it was useless until they said that the iPhone XR does not have it, you can do a lot with 3D Touch.

What? The 8+ has a an uograded camera, a waaaaay faster prosecceor, a better screen among other things.

apple Is removing it from phones because most people don’t like/care about it and would rather have better more expensive features (like Face ID) instead.

I do not really like the idea of ​​unlocking your iPhone with your face, first of all if you have something on it or long hair does not unlock it and any if your consent can unlock it in your face. And as you said more resolution better processor and as you do not have much difference between the amount of resolution it is the same.

Im guessing you own an iPhone, but I would say definitely give a Samsung Galaxy phone a try. You won’t regret it man

Oh yeah !!!

So I looked at all your photos and I suggest to you this is not bad design but bad buyer decision.

I own what appears to be an identical clone of this Anker 12W, the Aukey 12W and I carry one as a backup charger.

The pro you did not mention is:

  • this can block just one port.
  • that one port can access recessed sockets like no other Anker charger, the type in office desks where you lift a desk flap up and there are a couple of sockets in there, you need basically a charger the same size as the port as anything wider will be prevented by something else in that recess.
  • as a backup charger it just what you need, very small as its mostly never used and so its primary design goal is smallness
  • that smallness causes the tough decision of where the hinge is placed and the pin length. If you make the pins too short you have a charger which will struggle to stay in the socket. If you make the pins longer then either you place hinge in the center and then you spill-over the socket a little or your hinge goes further to one side and then it struggles in more recessed confined situations as well as being more likely to be pulled out as you offset the force of the USB cables off from the pin hinge, so a constant sideways pull without all the length of a bigger charger to reduce the moment (shear at the socket).
  • the USB port depth, if you make deeper you make the charger deeper, so any sideways force is increased. You’re complaining about the port being too shallow, well the designer compensated by increasing friction in the port to keep the USB cable in, and yet you’re complaining about a deliberate design positive.

The negatives here are ones of necessity of the size.

So why I say buyer error is you do have alternatives:

  • if you have to solve the recessed problem, you can do it instead with a cabled charger, like a Powerport5, these use a C19 power cord to the wall socket, so the point of connection is an even narrower simple US port. That also solves things like weak sockets as there is less weight and movement at the wall socket. The Powerport5 type you can even swap the cables for EU or UK sockets you can carry.
  • you have the other wall chargers who are bigger, they can both have long folding pins and they place it on the opposite (vertical) side of the USB ports so the weight of the USB cables pulls down which does not pivot on the hinge at its shorter side, so it will tend to stay in the wall socket. That then causes the problem of its much longer than the wall socket so fails in recessed socket situations.
  • So we do not have a bad design, we have an optimal design which fits in the compromises of its size, you do need other chargers which are different (Cabled, larger) which make different compromises and overall the idea of one design for all problems is not possible. e.g. a Powerport 5 can fit in any socket and stay there but you then have a much bigger packed size.

Overall, you’re stuck with the pros / cons of this form factor, practically every complaint you had, a modified design would cause a different complaint. You should buy other chargers and have a few different types. A Powerport5 is good for even more awkwardly tight spots than this 12W, a Powerport2 is bigger but has less of the USB friction has it has the depth to hold the USB socket fully in.

So I have one of these they suit some situations better than the Powerport2, Powerport4, Powerport5 I also have.